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Comment BEST MOVIE EVAR (Score 0) 732

Shawshank Redemption moves to number 2. Matrix Trilogy moves to number 3. The BEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME, without an iota of doubt is Ender's Game. Must watch on the big screen or on Blu Ray with a 50 inch screen. Life is a game. Play it well. Play to win but love your enemy even when you vanquish him. Gamers will absolutely devour every millisecond of this Epic Story, but even if you are not a gamer you will understand the message of the movie - Play Well. No improvements required, every thing was perfect, except maybe more intercut images in the final battle. Salute Gavin Hood the Writer AND Director. Best most epic opening scene evar. Hints of #EveOnline in the battle. Whew. Paisa Vasool. Will buy the Blu Ray. Gamers MUST watch this movie Based on the Ender Universe books by Orson Scott Card, a talented and hence controversial author. Will read as many of his books as possible. Hunger Games, that despicable vile piece of trash in the name of entertainment is the complete opposite of this epic movie. There kids were chopping down kids and everything was grim and shit. Here children are projected as the best hope and the messages of the movie touch the good subjects of sportsmanship, leadership, soldiers and doing your best.

Submission + - YouTube roadblocks Trolls, completely changes the Comment system ( 1

kbx911 writes: First time submitter kbx911 writes that you can no longer start a war-of-the-words on YouTube as of today. You can not reply or thumbs up or thumbs down comments. Video Uploaders have the power to block negative comments, so you will probably only see Goody Goody comments. In short, YouTube is going to become a lot less interesting place, makes sense considering it's getting merged with G+. Nah man just trolling a bit, they will do what's best, but fo shizzle you gotta say bye bye to your impulsive nature to start a debate with total strangers on YouTube from nao on!

Comment Re: Makes sense (Score 0) 232

How can anyone fry liquids? Or maybe the coagulated lumps of blood were batter fried. Still, yikes. Why is blood considered tasty in Romania, the Roma people originated in India right? They are called Banjaras here. But back to the blood issue, if blood is a delicacy in Romania then maybe its true q

Comment Re:Tor compromised (Score 0) 620

this is the beginning of a new beginning for bitcoin. Sure it is going to crash, sure lots of speculators are going to run away with their tails between their legs. What will remain is the fundamental concept of bitcoin within the negativity of a drug-enabling-mechanism, and the people that will remain will be the true believers of its power. I will buy it in volume when it hits rock bottom after this. Jai Bitcoin!

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