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Comment Why charge per MB? (Score 1) 515

A variation on this model has been in Australia since the introduction of broadband. We pay for a package which includes X amount of data per billing month such as a 30Gb, 60gb, 150gb deal, while the service is a standard ADSL2+ connection across the board. If you go over your alloted quota you get two options: Pay a premium per GB downloaded over your quota or be on the "unlimited" plan where you suffer having your connection limited to 64kb/s or 128kb/s (depending on the provider) until the next billing month. You can still find "connection speed" plans here and there, but they are mostly grandfathered plans from old old contracts.

Comment Re:I work in the advertising industry (Score 1) 283

This is happening only when you watch shows the day after they air. A consumer can do the same thing right now with a DVR. Simply record all the shows and watch them the next night, fast forwarding through all the commercials. Dish is simply automating the process.

Be careful, if they knew that, there will be a push to make such features on devices illegal, or every time you press fast forward it inserts a 30 second advertisement!

Comment Internet pub rant (Score 2) 400

If she did not have access to his profile (being blocked) and he rants about her, isn't this the exact same as getting drunk down at the pub with some mates and doing the whole "I never liked her anyway, she was a bitch" rant? This order seems to say that you aren't allowed to rant or complain about anyone; under penalty of the law.

Comment Re:Good, Because Certs Are Worthless (Score 2) 267

All other certs are undervalued by dumps. Microsoft, Oracle, Cisco - you name it, all you need to do is buy or torrent the questions online, memorize the answers, and go in and take the test.

Just today I did just that for my Microsoft MCITP cert exams. I'm familiar with the whole lot, been working with servers for many years now, but most of the questions in the exam has very little to do with day-to-day workings or even deployment of servers in most cases. Memorizing the answers is the only way to know you are going to pass the cert exam. I understand why these certificates are undervalued though, since anyone with no intimate knowledge of server environments can memorize a few terms and technologies and be certified. Thankfully my resume has years of references and now (finally) certifications to back it up.

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