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Comment Re:Go Costner! Boo on BP! (Score 1) 289

I read somewhere that the blowout preventer had been damaged, and wasn't functioning correctly. And the operators knew this. You'd think the required action here would be to stop work until the blowout preventer was fixed, but no, apparently they only had a few days of work to go so they continued and hoped for the best (possibly under pressure from BP)

Comment Re:64-bit support? (Score 1) 183

I'm sad to hear of your problems, but I doubt if your 64 bit OS is the problem. Yes bioware suck for not supporting your configuration, but unfortunately thats how things work. Most companies have muppets for support people, they aren't experts and they are just following a script for resolving a known set of problems.

Here at work all our servers are virtualized, except one... because its running an application written by a vendor that will not support running in a virtualized environment.
We're 100% sure virtulizing the server wouldn't cause any problems, but if we hit a problem and had to log a support call they wouldn't support us. Even though the problem was unrelated to the virtualized environment.

Back to your issue, An application or game CANNOT lock up the OS. Its not the game's fault, its something the game is doing that is triggering the bug elsewhere.

I'd suggest upgrading your GFX drivers, and checking you don't have an overheating problem (clean out heatsinks etc)

Windows x64 only runs an app as an x64 process if the app is compiled as a 64 bit app. If its a 32 bit app then it runs in a 32 bit process, and should (in theory) be 100% compatible.
The only problems I've ever heard of with games running on windows x64 have been caused by device drivers requred for DRM that are 32 bit only.

If windows locks it can only be one of 3 things
1) hardware problem
2) bug in a device driver
3) bug in the OS.

There are no exceptions to this. If an application locks up your pc then it is not at fault, it is doing something that is triggering one of the above problems.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 702

Jailbreak it. Seriously, just do it. Look up spirit, it will do a fully automated untethered jailbreak, meaning you *don't* have connect your phone to itunes while it boots for it to work. I've got an ipod touch 1g and I jailbroke it a while back for fun and I was amazed at how many of the things that bugged me about the whole itouch/iphone thing it removed. I installed backgrounder, kirikae and winterboard, and now I can customize the heck out of it, including enabling a background wallpaper on springboard. I can also easily enable any app to keep running in the background when I press home, and I hold home for a couple of seconds to bring up kirikae (task manager) to change to or shutdown a running app.

Comment Re:I'd say something, but someone will freak out (Score 1) 213

What does an HTTP server have to do with a DB?

PostgreSQL has a lot of more enterprisy features than MySQL.

You mean like clustering?

Oh, wait...

How about proper ACID compliance?
Not null constraints?

Of course, if you talk to MySQL users you soon realise most won't consider anything an "enterprisy feature" until it is supported by MySQL.

I nearly fell off my chair a while ago when I read the changelist for the last major MySQL release trumped the exciting new ability to do *online database backups*.

I mean, seriously? lets not kid ourselves, MySQL has its uses as a quick and dirty database, can be fast if you stay away from the slow bits (things like joining more than a couple of tables together, or concurrent updates) but its an enterprise database in the same way MS Access is.

Comment Re:Patenting Math? (Score 3, Insightful) 308

I think the relevant US patent is this (5487069).

It appears to describe an special antenna setup as well as how to use the radio/antenna to get a data rate/ghz of bandwith ratio much better than previously practical.

So its not a math patent, or a pure software patent (although part of the implementation is software). It looks like something the patent system was designed to protect.

Comment Re:Idiots (Score 2, Insightful) 562

Which makes islam a cult, rather than a religion. Admittedly the world's largest cult, but a cult none the less.

Wait, I thought the world's biggest cult was catholicism?

Anyway, as someone else once said:

"I don't get the point of religious conflict. Its just like two dudes fighting over who has the best imaginary friend"

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