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Comment Re:Under 10MB or over 1TB? Really? (Score 1) 362

That's useful too, though most shells don't expand '*' to include files whose names start with '.'. You have to match them explicitly with something like -

du -ms * .[^.]* | sort -n

'.[^.]*' matches any file or directory whose name starts with '.', then has any character except '.', then zero or more characters. Basically, that filters out '.' (alias for the current directory) and '..' (alias for the parent directory), but gets everything else that starts with '.'. A lot of cruft can accumulate in those hidden directories. I've found that Gnome's thumbnail generator can use huge amounts of space under ~/.thumbnails, for example.

Comment Re:10 hex is 16 decimal (Score 4, Informative) 340

The specification for the SMS message format pre-dates Y2K by about 15 years. I came across it in 1995 (and thought it was useless - what sort of idiot would try to fit a message into 160 characters? And who would want to type it on a 12-button keyboard?). Where I worked, nobody worried about Y2K until about 1998.

Comment Re:Yawn. (Score 4, Informative) 278

Yet more cynical Slashdot nerd demands that even more cynical Slashdot nerd turn in his nerd card for not recognising a Simpsons quote that references Star Trek...

(It's Grade School Confidential, the one where Principal Skinner and Mrs Krabapple carry on a sordid affair in school. Bart finds out about it and exposes them in front of his classmates. "Set your faces to stun" is what he says just before flinging open the door that the lovers are hiding behind.)

Comment Re:They're missing the point... (Score 1) 121

We may have to agree to disagree... I don't think computers should be involved in counting votes at all. Any system where the voter can verify his vote after he's left the polling station is open to votes being bought. If the registrar knows which voter cast which ballot, what stops him selling that information to someone else?

Forcing an attacker to hack multiple systems is good, but there's always the possibility of a buffer overflow or SQL injection.

The way I see it, having lots of people count lots of pieces of paper works well for something that has to be done once every three to five years. (If we were doing it once a week, I might want to automate it.) Letting the computers take over that process brings no significant advantages, and adds lots of problems that I believe are insoluble.

Comment They're missing the point... (Score 2, Insightful) 121

Voting machines are inherently untrustworthy. Publish all the code you like. Have it inspected by Donald Knuth. The voters have no way of knowing that that code is what's actually running on the machines in the polling stations, or that the hardware will execute it in the way that the language spec says it should. Attempts to give them a way to know are a sticking plaster over a gaping wound - there are too many things about the machine that are invisible to the naked eye, and too many ways in which the machine can be made to lie.

Paper-based elections need a lot of people to run them. This is a good thing, because someone who wants to rig an election has to bribe or threaten a lot of people. The more people are in that position, the more likely one of them is to blow the whistle. Someone who wants to rig an election that's run by voting machines has to influence far fewer people. That's the whole point of computers - they do work that would otherwise have to be done by people. If you want to bring in lots more people who are hard to bribe or threaten, you might as well have them run the election and leave the computers out of it.

The argument that voting machines will give us the result of the election faster than paper ballots is true but irrelevant. Do you want the wrong answer in half an hour, or the right answer in two days? A politician, once elected, will serve for three to five years, and unless he drops dead or gets a blowjob from the wrong person, it's very hard to remove him before the next election. You'd better be damn sure that the guy you put there was the one the people actually wanted.


Submission + - Where is everybody? Fermi's Paradox Revisited. (

Snowmit writes: "In a sweeping review of the literature around Fermi's Paradox, Milan M. Cirkovic argues that the fact that the question remains unanswered indicates that there must be some unresolved flaw in the current scientific understanding of our place in the universe. The paper is extremely fun to read, covering concepts such as self-replicating death-probes, galactic engineering projects, the importance of Jupiter in stellar safety, the inefficiency of stars as an energy source, the likelihood of the Cambrian explosion, the works of H.P. Lovecraft, and why the SETI program might not be such a waste after all.

From the abstract:

We review Fermi's paradox (or the "Great Silence" problem), not only arguably the oldest and crucial problem for the Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence (SETI), but also a conundrum of profound scientific, philosophical and cultural importance. By a simple analysis of observation selection effects, the correct resolution of Fermi's paradox is certain to tell us something about the future of humanity ... Somewhat paradoxically, it seems that the class of (neo)catastrophic hypotheses gives, on balance, the strongest justification for guarded optimism regarding our current and near-future SETI efforts.

It's long but it's worth it. The giga-scale thinking involved in Fermi's paradox is a breath of fresh air and a great antidote to spending too much time worrying about whatever tiny little details make up your tiny little life."


Submission + - A Twitter Client for the Commodore 64 ( 1

An anonymous reader writes: Johan Van den Brande have developed a Twitter client for the Commodore 64, allowing 140 character messages to be posted directly from this TV-connected 1982 home computer. This youtube video shows how the Twitter client is — slowly! — loaded from a 5.25" floppy disk, how the latest Twitter messages are downloaded and shown on the TV screen, and how this tweet is posted. All that is needed is a C64, a TV, and a C64 Ethernet card. The Twitter client is implemented with the Contiki operating system, which otherwise is used for connecting tiny embedded systems to the Internet.

Submission + - Eight Videogame Places You're Not Supposed to Go ( 1

Ssquared22 writes: The eight far-off realms in this article exist for different reasons. They could be developer test areas, or forgotten pieces of landscape that somehow made their way into the final code. Whatever their reason for being, they all have one thing in common: They weren't meant to be explored by the likes of you and me. But through persistence, hacks or some combination of the two, you can take in these rare delights for yourself. Pack your bags.

Submission + - New attack exploits virtually all intranets, VPNs ( 1

redsoxh8r writes: Security researcher Robert Hansen, known as Rsnake, has developed a new class of attacks that abuses a weakness in many corporate intranets and most browsers to compromise remote machines with persistent JavaScript backdoors. Threatpost reports: "The attacks rely on the long-term caching policies of some browsers and take advantage of the collisions that can occur when two different networks use the same non-routable IP address space, which happens fairly often because the amount of address space is quite small. The bottom line is that even a moderately skilled attacker has the ability to compromise remote machines without the use of any vulnerability or weakness in the client software. "If you're even vaguely clever, developing this might take you two hours. It's not that difficult," said Robert Hansen, the researcher who wrote about the attacks in a white paper published this week, called "RFC1918 Caching Security Issues."

Comment Re:I've got one already... (Score 1) 150

Thanks for that. I've had a quick look around it just now, and I'll definitely be spending some more time there.

I replaced the default distro with Xenium, as I wanted something a bit more familiar. Sadly, the guy who created it looks to have lost interest in it, so it's good to see someone else picking up the torch.

Comment Re:I've got one already... (Score 1) 150

Even when I bought it, it wasn't the best value for money. The attractions were the small size and low weight, and the fact it ran Linux out of the box.

To me, this machine is essentially a portable electric typewriter. I write novels (as if you can't tell from my sig!) and I want something I can use for writing when I'm away from home. For years, I used a Psion 5mx, which I eventually gave up on when the touch screen stopped being touch-sensitive.

I'd wanted to replace the Psion, but couldn't find anything with a decent screen and keyboard of a similar size and weight that didn't come with Windows out of the box (wanting to avoid the MS tax). I don't like to buy second-hand, as you don't know how careful the previous owner was.

Then along came the eeePc, and I thought it was what I'd been waiting for... until I saw it ran Xandros. Their patent deal with MS makes them a non-starter for me.

Then I saw the CnMBook / Alpha 400 / whatever else it's called. I noted that it had a CPU on which no current version of Windows will run (I think NT had a MIPS port about 15 years ago). I couldn't find anything not to like about their Linux distro, so I treated myself to an early Christmas present :-)

Comment Re:I've got one already... (Score 3, Informative) 150

Yeah, they might not understand the Internet, but they understand their obligations under the GPL :-)

The CPU in mine is a 400MHz MIPS clone. No idea how that compares with an x86 or ARM device. It has 128MB of RAM and 2GB of on-board flash. It has an SD slot and 3 USB sockets, so you could plug 4GB into each of those, for a (rather unwieldy) 16GB of additional storage.

It takes about 2 minutes to boot into an X desktop. More annoying is that it doesn't have a suspend or hibernate mode - or if it does, I haven't found it. It has a key with "Zzz" written on it, but this just switches off the screen backlight. Still, it does what I bought it for.

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