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Submission + - Smartphone with radiation detector announced (nhk.or.jp)

An anonymous reader writes: For people living in areas with contamination, a phone with a built in Geiger counter can warn of hot spots. Using built-in GPS and logging data, hot spots can be logged. This can help parents to choose safer routes for their children to get to school or to have activities. A major Japanese carrier will be offering the phone this summer. In areas more distant from an accident where atmospheric contamination measures low, the phone could warn of spikes from things like rainfall.
Studies show the fallout from the accident in Japan had become worldwide in 40 days, with 15% of the level still being seen 10 months later and fluctuating with a 40 day cycle as it keeps going around the world. http://www3.nhk.or.jp/daily/english/20120529_03.html
Meanwhile, the Japan Atomic Energy Commission has decided to suspend a review of the country's nuclear policy guidelines currently being conducted by an expert panel. A third party will be called in to investigate pro-nuclear members of the group who in closed-door meetings leaked their draft report to promoters of nuclear power. They're going to try and see what can be done to restore pubic trust in the commission. http://www3.nhk.or.jp/daily/english/20120529_33.html

Comment Re:Agree -- A view from India (Score 1) 653

Its not about being a "developed" or "undeveloped" country. Its about market demand. There are a lots of good programmers in India. But there are so many projects coming to India that these companies are willing to take even the bad ones. Hell they even hire people who don't know the head or tail of programming. Some friends of mine hate programming but there aren't many jobs in their branch of engineering and so, reluctantly get into software companies. I wonder why even with such low standards these companies manage to get so many projects....

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