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Comment Re:Since when is JavaScript an unorthodox choice? (Score 1) 355

I'm not saying it is a 'bad' language (whatever one of those is), but it is not the best choice, or the second best choice, or the third best choice, in my opinion. As for my second statement, it might have been more accurate to say 'if you can't be bothered to work out how to install Python, you probably lack the motivation to learn how to code'.

Comment Since when is JavaScript an unorthodox choice? (Score 1, Troll) 355

Everywhere I've looked for the last year, people have been using JavaScript to teach programming. Codecademy anyone?

I personally think it's a horrible choice. If you don't know enough about computers to install Python, you probably don't know enough about computers to learn how to code.

Comment Don't be a dick, dick (Score 5, Insightful) 290

If the guy who replaces you needs a hand, give him a god damned hand!

If you've failed to adequately document your role in the time you've been there, you're the one who is lazy and incompetent - it is in your best interests to convince your replacement not to point this out to your old boss, who might point it out to your new boss.

Comment Re:I am worried about this myself. (Score 2) 467

Why the hell didn't you deal with this before signing it?

Desperation is an excuse for signing if even if they wouldn't budge, but it isn't an excuse for not even trying to budge them in the first place. They offered you a contract - you were in the position of strength at that moment and you bottled it. Now you are under contract and are in a position of weakness relying on your employer's goodwill. Not a place you want to be.

Talk to your boss first thing tomorrow. The longer you leave it, the harder it will be to change it.

Comment Let them cheat! (Score 1) 330

As you say, when they get into the workplace, if they need to know something, they're going to Google it. By limiting the resources they can use when answering exam questions, you are increasing the distance between education and the workplace - who does that help?

So set them realistic problems and let your students solve them by hook or by crook, just they way they'll solve them when they're on a payroll.

At least that way, the students who do well on the test will be the ones who will do well in industry, as opposed to the current situation, where we have engineers who can do CFD by hand, but can't tell the difference between Aluminium and Steel.

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A language that doesn't affect the way you think about programming is not worth knowing.
