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Comment Keep on Slackin' (Score 1) 183

Congratulations Patrick and crew on another fine release of my first and still favorite Linux distro. Thanks to you guys I never lack Slack. Proud user since... ehmm... 1995... ish.

Comment Come again? (Score 2) 253

> President Obama's staff has admitted to the New York Times that there is a joint Israel-U.S. cybermilitary operation was behind the mishaps Iranians have recently been suffering with their UF6 gas refining centrifuge systems in the Natanz and Fordo plants.

Remind me, when and where exactly did Obama's staff admit this? Is there anything at all besides one article with unsourced allegations?

No doubt the U.S. is behind behind this. But I'm getting damned tired of the shoddy journalism. I've seen so many claims that "the President has confirmed that the U.S. is behind the cyber attacks on Iraq nuclear facilities" with absolutely nothing to back them up. C'mon folks, stick to the facts.

Comment That's some great timing (Score 1) 58

My home machines have had Slackware Linux as their primary OS since around 1995, and I still maintain that Slack is the most Unix-like of all the Linuxes. This classic, verging on historic, distro has always been rock solid, dependable, and reliable, and has always accepted that I'm the one in charge of my hardware, not Patrick.

But thanks to a new job, I've been forcibly immersed in a bunch of "modern" Linux distros lately, and have finally been seduced by the dark side. Yes, after Slacking for something like 17 years, I've decided to reinstall my home box with a modern desktop-type distro. (Not with the cell phone / tablet style interface, I haven't gone completely crazy).

Using Slackware has been tremendously educational and consistently rewarding over the years. It has been a dream OS for this old-time, Unix-y hacker type, and I wouldn't have missed it for the world. Thanks for everything, Patrick! And for you young whippersnappers out there, if you're interested in learning Linux / Unix, there are worse things you could do than installing a "traditional" distro like Slackware and figuring out what makes it tick.

Comment Re:Obama voted for this (Score 1) 410

*Shrug*. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. If Bush was still in office, he'd have voted the same way. If Clinton were re-elected, he'd do the same. This is just like the kids I went to grade school with, arguing with religious conviction whether Ford or Chevy was better. It just doesn't make any difference.

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