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Comment Re:Hmm...tough to figure.... (Score 1, Informative) 576

I think its implied by the poll question that you are measuring occupied shelf length. Regardless of how anyone of us stacks our shelves, the poll will be assuming that you have them standing up so the spine is vertical.

of course, in Australia all our books have the spine facing the back of bookshelf due to the coriolis effect. :)

Comment In Australia ... (15 years ago anyway) (Score 0) 1259

When I studied all of my fees were compiled into a thing called a HECS debt which i didnt have to pay off until my annaul salary passed a threshold.
The balance of hte loan and the threshold both went up with the CPI. But no interest was ever applied (yes, CPI acted like interest).
I never paid it off until about 3-4 years later when we salary went above 29,000.

I do think the guys got no right to gripe for himself. *but* when he started the course, perhaps the standard homeloan rate was about 8.5%.
In any case, the gov't should be making it easier for students to study, not making money off them for the privelege. Any capitalist can see that to make a good return you should be encouraging the young'uns to get the highest qualification they can, which has some bearing on their eventual tax output. Interest on the loans is a turnoff!

P.S Should note to those who are talking about tax dodges with student loans - I don't know the US system - but I also got a 15% bonus for any lump sums paid off my HECS debt over and above the mandatory payments. Makes my experience lightyears ahead of this guys plight.

Comment Re:Infra red energy? (Score 0) 315

umm.. no! actually with your back to fire there will be a small amount of reflection of whatever is around - the ground, trees, dust in the air. So you will have some light on your face.

not to mention that radiated heat is just light below our minimum visible freq. - ie. Infrared.

and if you want ot be technical - the heat on your face comes from your body.

I call your bluff, maybe I'm not an expert, but neither are you!

Comment Re:I am waiting for the movie (Score 0) 503

I know you were kidding but ..

I think after you watched the actors they would invariably have to get that can pronounce all the words in Chem 101, it would be even more mind-numbing than the worst lecturer you ever saw.

In the same boat - my deitel and deitel C++ book from uni. uggh!! how tedious to put up screen after screen of example code, unless they actually read it out.

then again - C++ tutorials with a subtle story-line, maybe even I romance between protected and private classes with friendly attributes, kind of smells like Romeo and Juliet type family feuds. Could be good! :)

you wanna call Peter Jackson or should I?

Comment Re:cheap? not really. (Score 0) 366

You don't need $3800 worth of panels unless you need to run the hair-dryer 24/7 or you neglect to implement some storage and inversion system.

you would look at the kWh's needed for an average day, add 50% and make sure your solar panel array could produce that given a 50/50 overcast day. Or something like that.

Comment Re:I hate our system and I use metric on my own. (Score 0) 711

obviously for doing work of a scientific nature is best done in metric. I don't think anyone disagrees with that. But I think some of what pz, (the original biased bigot *grin*), was saying that its sometimes useful for people to know both and that in the UK, Aust and NZ lots of people do know both. I don't agree about the Engineers being able to have a convo in imperial or metric.
Personally, I like the imperial system for some lengths. A foot is a very convienent length when talking about height, short distances ( 3m) and length of materials. I find myself using feet quite often when pointing out an object which is 6 foot off the ground, or 2 feet from the wall, etc. Its just the level of precision you can get for those measures of distance which is alot more convenient than 1.8m, or 70cm or 2.2m. You can describe most distances in multiples of half a foot with enough accuracy to convey meaning. In metres is harder..but that said, once your out past 5-6 metres I think its switches back the other way.

Miles and Kilometres is completely different. Neither of them are more convenient than the other so I use the metric.

I live in Australia and my parents were brought up on imperial and it changed (in 1966) so they got to know that one aswell (they were late teens in 1966).
The other thing that contributes to our familiarity is our standard ruler. I grew up with 30cm/12inch rulers.. I suppose its the same today. But I've always been adept at switching inches to mm and back. So I think its fairly common over here.

Comment Re:WHERE IS WARCRAFT 4? (Score 0) 452

another company called SSG (from which Infinite Interactive was born) got this right.

They took the Warlords universe (which was all role-play turn-based stratefy) and set off to conquer the growing RTS world with their Battlecry series..
the game were ALOT of fun. Perhaps not as polished as the Blizzard offerings, but worthy games.. and most importantly - they nailed the RPS thing, which IIRC Warcraft3 introduced later.

so the Battlecry games had RPS before Warcraft, and they got it right in my opinion.
You could advance a character of 20-40 classes, from 9-16 different races (the numbers grew with each subsequent game in the series)..

but I must say, Starcraft does what it does, well!

Comment orginal Driver on PC (Score 0) 346

I still do this sometimes.. put the cheats for high speed and no damage on, and play a game of Survival in San Francisco.
A combination of simplistic 3D models of hills, cops chasing you and 160+mph driving made for lots of fun.

If you could hit the top of a hill at 150+ and glance off a police car you could launch yourself through the air and land 4-6 blocks away.. I would try for ages, just for the thrill of "landing it" by coming down on a road instead of inside a building.
And if the car was still driveable that was just too good to be true; because of the no-damage cheat, you only had to hope you landed on your wheels.

awesome fun!!!

Comment The first real missing option... (Score 0) 571

hmm, I've seen a few polls in my time, but never have a been motivated to stare danger in the face and suggest there's a missing option - but now there is, I don't drink coffee, I was considering pretending the poll was about Coke, but i stopped drinking that aswell.

Its seems an odd oversight, there's nearly always a "I've just found a clever way to say that this doesn't apply to me!!" option at the end. But no cheese this time.

so i register my formal whinge, and brave the flames of the coffee drinking anti-poll-option-whinging ones.
Please let me express my non-caffeinated persuasion with respect and dignity. Thank you Slashdot!


Max Payne 3 Announced For Next Winter 73

tordavis writes with news that Rockstar Games has announced Max Payne 3 is in the works for the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC. It's currently planned for this coming winter. Quoting the news release: "'We're starting a new chapter of Max's life with this game,' said Sam Houser, Founder of Rockstar Games. 'This is Max as we've never seen him before, a few years older, more world-weary and cynical than ever. We experience the downward spiral of his life after the events of Max Payne 2 and witness his last chance for salvation.' Since leaving the NYPD and New York itself behind, Max has drifted from bad to worse. Double-crossed and a long way from home, Max is now trapped in a city full of violence and bloodshed, using his weapons and instincts in a desperate search for the truth and a way out."
Operating Systems

Linux Kernel 2.6.29 Released 265 writes "Linus Torvalds has released Linux 2.6.29. The new features include the inclusion of kernel graphic modesetting, WiMAX, access point Wi-Fi support, inclusion of squashfs and a preliminary version of btrfs, a more scalable version of RCU, eCryptfs filename encryption, ext4 no journal mode, OCFS2 metadata checksums, improvements to the memory controller, support for filesystem freeze, and other features. Here is the full list of changes."

Colbert Wins Space Station Name Contest 471

As we speculated a couple of weeks back, it has come to pass. Reader mknewman writes to tell us that comedian Stephen Colbert has won the vote to have his name immortalized (or at least until it crashes) as the moniker on NASA's newest addition to the International Space Station. We can but wonder what NASA will do now. "NASA's mistake was allowing write-ins. Colbert urged viewers of his Comedy Central show, 'The Colbert Report' to write in his name. And they complied, with 230,539 votes. That clobbered Serenity, one of the NASA choices, by more than 40,000 votes. Nearly 1.2 million votes were cast by the time the contest ended Friday."

German Police Union Chief Wants Violent Game Ban After Shooting 518

A recent shooting in Germany has raised the ire of many politicians and officials, and they're turning to video games as a scapegoat after it was revealed that the shooter was a fan of Counterstrike and played Far Cry 2 the night before the rampage. First, a major retailer decided to drop mature-rated games altogether, and then the Minister for Social Affairs suggested restricting "addictive games," such as World of Warcraft, to adults only. Despite an unfavorable reaction from gamers and game developers alike, the chief of Germany's national police union has now spoken out against violent games as well, saying, "The world would be no poorer if there were no more killergames."

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