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Comment Journalists? (Score 5, Interesting) 165

Nobody does any investigative journalism anymore. They take press releases, talking-points, and pre-packaged bits from government agencies and NGOs and tag them with an open and close bit by a local anchor and that's it.

Look at your average idiot on Tumblr. That is the quality of the average "journalist". Actually, pick a random Tumblr user and they probably *are* a "journalist".

Also, so what? We've already decided you can say whatever you want about whoever you want on the internet and that's okay. No recourse. Look at Rip Off Report or Yelp or that site that "shames" ex boyfriends. If all of that is fair game, why shouldn't wikipedia be?

Comment Re:Editors? (Score 1) 338

900 is the resolution (well, half of the resolution).

P is the notation that it is progressive scan, rather than interlaced -- entirely redundant when talking about a PC monitor (though that hasn't stopped a lot of people from adopting the idiotic habit of framing resolutions on the computer in a single dimension and with a "p" at the end, like dummies).

Comment Re:21 day incubation period... (Score 1) 487

Well, ten days ago, these guys were saying it could never spread beyond the original source patient, because this is America. Ten days before *that*, these guys were the ones saying it could never even reach America, because... I don't know.. America and shit. Then throw in some comments about how people in the countries this is spreading around in right now drink the bathwater of those who died of Ebola and blah blah blah.

I mean, why take precautions for anything? Clearly precautions are just wastes of effort by the paranoid who don't realize we're fucking Americans and therefore fucking impervious to everything!

Considering how fucking easy it is to keep Ebola from spreading, there is no excuse for anyone in the country having it other than a patient coming into the country under protection for direct treatment. Shit, you can't bring your dog into the country from practically anywhere without a couple weeks quarantine, but someone with Ebola fresh from Ebola land is totally cool with us.

Comment Bullshit. (Score 3, Insightful) 487

All the internet Einsteins said, as with the government's statement, Ebola simply couldn't reach America. Then, that even when it reached America, we had the means to keep it spreading to anyone, because the only way to get it is to basically give a victim a blowjob and swallow at the end, because it's very difficult to contract and those filthy heathens that aren't in America only spread the disease, because they liked to drink and bathe in the bathwater of dead Ebola victims and that every precaution anyone might suggest in this country was just the result of ignorant fear-mongering. Are you telling me all of these junior-college keyboard-geniuses are *gasp* possibly wrong?

Comment Sad Statement on the World (Score 1) 742

It is a sad statement to have to make, but I have been hesitant to speak ill of companies that I have a terrible experience with for years, now. On one hand, I am a paying customer and consumer of various companies just like anyone else. On the other hand, we operate in a world where large companies have associations through all sorts of ways that could potentially impact you for speaking ill of them, even from the point of view of a citizen or consumer. A lot of people work for companies that have policies which restrict you from talking about companies that your company does business with. Imagine if you're a company like Microsoft or IBM. Who *don't* you do business with? That kind of forces you to second-guess being vocal about anyone you ever have a bad experience with. That isn't even taking into consideration possible situations where executives know guys at each other's companies or are even on each other's board. The last thing you want is to complain about your shitty phone service or mistreatment by people at your phone company's support line and get a talking to from your boss who got a talking to from his boss who got a talking to from the CEO who got a complaint from his buddy.

(Note: This has never happened to me, whatsoever, but it seems a reasonable concern in our current landscape).

Comment Re:What does the hidden object see? (Score 1) 59

A complete blur on both sides. Since the light is extremely convergent, it won't make any sense to the eye.

These are the same optics in a telescope, by the way. If you were to look inside a telescope without the eyepiece, you'd get the idea right away of how it would look to be in the middle of this "new" idea.

Comment Re:Keep It Simple (Score 1) 191

Ok, but how important is it to keep passwords secure to a textbook website or an iPad? Maybe if someone steels Johnny's textbook password then the teacher can just go in a reset it?

Let's keep things in perspective here, these are not banking passwords or social security numbers. These passwords are only used to identify individuals for the purpose of individualizing the presentation of information. Nothing of value, especially to an identity thief (and especially to a fellow 6-year-old student) can be lost.

Comment Re:Traffic is up? (Score 1) 144

Wait, what? Since when are retailers supposed to ask for your identity when using a credit card? My understanding was that they were actively discouraged from doing so by credit card companies. In fact, I remember they used to have a toll free number you could call to report a retailer if they refused to accept your VISA without giving them ID.

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