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Comment forum, search engine, report bug, compile (Score 1) 1154

Beginner should use forums and search engine while advance users shall reporting bugs at and self research, wait for next release and self compiling. I had battery icon display problem (resolved my self), clamped polygon display problem (not resolved), session restore after suspend in gnome shell (not resolved), low fps in glxgears (resolved), no desktop environment after fresh installation in debain (resolved), out dated packages in debian cut (not resolved) and license issues of canonical for unity (resolved after shifting to debian).I want to make linux the system of choice for engineers. I found and compiled many engineering packages for cad, gis, project planning, and cae. There are many preloaded cae and gis distro but I want engineering packages right on debian main sources to be part of great community.

Comment Forums, search engine, reporting bugs, & compi (Score 1) 1154

Beginner should use forums and search engine while advance users shall reporting bugs at and self research, wait for next release and self compiling. I had battery icon display problem (resolved my self), clamped polygon display problem (not resolved), session restore after suspend in gnome shell (not resolved), low fps in glxgears (resolved), no desktop environment after fresh installation in debain (resolved), out dated packages in debian cut (not resolved) and license issues of canonical for unity (resolved after shifting to debian).I want to make linux the system of choice for engineers. I found and compiled many engineering packages for cad, gis, project planning, and cae. There are many preloaded cae and gis distro but I want engineering packages right on debian main sources to be part of great community.

Comment Is sample size reliable? (Score 1) 771

In pdf research paper file: 1. Isn't this a stereotypical jump towards conclusion of this paper? Is N = 1377 and then 1145 enough? Why didn't he mentioned the sample size in his abstract? 2. Why there is no graph or table? 3. Are not the believes of "no link of CO2 to climate" and other subject hold some truth behind? 4. Why the weak researcher cannot prove their point in simple words to public just like all we believe and understand and see the moon, sun, days and nights? 5. Is the idea of free-market economics not part of science, are there no observations and scientific facts on the other part. Are all variables covered and counted that resulted in linking climatic change to CO2 emission. 6. As per stereotypical view adopted in this paper, i cannot find any link between scientific believes and the topic name ' Motivated rejection of science' 7. Isn't this paper like a = b, and b = c hence x = y By answering these points this paper can prove its self.

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