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Comment Re:BS. Google voice search is 99% of what Siri is. (Score 1) 800

it should be fairly easy for Google to duplicate everything Siri does just by adding a little additional code. It would take them days, not years. I love how the author doesn't know jack about anything.

Agreed, I don't see anything magical coming out of Siri other than Apple marketing. Google has been collecting voice data for years now and will probably turn out something even more advanced that actually understands accents. Given some decent voice recognition I could churn out the rest of the "Siri" code in a few days. Hurray for keyword tables. ;)

Comment Re:Obligatory: RAID is not a backup (Score 2) 320

Totally agree, the clustered approach doesn't seem to solve the problem posed. It's simple, buy a bunch of 2TB drives and set them up with ZFS. Configure a nightly snapshot job to another similar machine and call it a day. You can have a larger storage area with a fully redundant backup for less than 2K in parts.

Submission + - UMG uses DMCA to get Bad Lip Reading parody taken 3

Joren writes: "Bad Lip Reading is an independent producer known for anonymously parodying music and political videos by redubbing them with his humorous attempts at lip-reading, such as Everybody Poops (Black Eyed Peas) and Trick the Bridesmaid (Obama). According to an interview in Rolling Stone , he creates entirely new music from scratch consisting of his bad lip readings, and then sets them to the original video, often altering the video for humorous effect and always posting a link to the original off which it is based. Although his efforts have won the respect of parody targets Michael Bublé and Michelle Bachman, not everyone has been pleased. Two days ago, UMG succeeded in getting his parody Dirty Spaceman taken down from YouTube, and despite BLR's efforts to appeal, in his words UMG essentially said "We don't care if you think it's fair use, we want it down." And YouTube killed it.So does this meet the definition of parody as a form of fair use? And if so, what recourse if any is available for artists who are caught in this situation? Are UMG's actions a justifiable attempt to defend their rights under the law, or should this be seen as an attempt to get content they don't like removed from the Internet?"

Submission + - How Celebrity Photos Get Out (

Thelasko writes: The internet has been buzzing with news that celebrities' smart phones have been hacked, and pictures, including nude photos of Scarlett Johansson, have been circulating the internet. Liam Allen, of BBC News, suggests that it wasn't smart phones that were hacked, but web mail.

Comment Re:Beer is for gaming (Score 1) 222

I absolutely agree, working while wired up (caffeine) and relaxed (cigarettes) at the same time always produces the best code for me. Second place is well rested and completely clean. If your good at coding after a few beers... you probably aren't good enough to be programming something serious or your robbing yourself of the maximum potential you could achieve.

Submission + - TV show exposes Chinese military hacking of US (

An anonymous reader writes: A Chinese TV show aimed at extolling the virtues of the PLA has apparently inadvertently leaked evidence of hacking of US based systems. A frame from the program shows a screenshot that appears to show a hacking program with a list of websites hosting Falun Gong material, one of which is at the University of Alabama, and a button that says "attack." (If you can read Mandarin.)

Submission + - Stero Satellites Record CME Engulfing Earth

oxide7 writes: New data processing techniques, coupled with a pair NASA spacecraft has allowed scientists to see the awesome power of the sun in dramatic detail as it recorded a massive solar storm engulfing Earth. Using the techniques, NASA was able to produce a video, for the first time, showing the effects a Coronal Mass Ejection has on the planet as it hurtles around Earth at 3 million miles per hour. The new observations can pinpoint the arrival time of the CME and its mass, and track it all the way from the sun to the earth.
The Internet

Submission + - Making sense of Google's move into mobile hardware (

RudaBlondynka writes: "Time will show if Google’s takeover bid for Motorola Mobility is really a historic moment for the mobile market. Its scale surely feels so right now. $9.8 billion the Android mobile software developer agrees to pay means it’s ready to offer a 73% premium on Motorola’s 20-day trading average, a value unheard of in the industry since the late 1990s. You don’t have to be a genius to realize that something large is at stake. Exactly, what is at stake in this surprise transition of Google from a software and media corporation into a conglomerate that includes hardware manufacturing?"

Submission + - The 12 Biggest PC Duds Ever

adeelarshad82 writes: We're all familiar with the most successful personal computers—the IBM PC, the Apple Macintosh, the Commodore 64—but what about the other side of the coin? In the 30 years since the IBM PC was introduced there have been dozens, if not hundreds, of models that arrived with great fanfare only to tank at the marketplace. These are the redundant, the shameful, the stupid. These are the duds.

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