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Submission + - How-To Geek installs the top ten apps from Download.com (howtogeek.com)

guises writes: For posterity, and our amusement, How-To Geek downloaded and installed (with default settings) all of the top ten list of Windows apps from Download.com and let them fight each other for control. One was an anti-virus program, it... did its best.

Comment Re:I moderate a small local community forum (Score 1) 189

The key here is the anonymity, none of the other junk. What you seem to be suggesting is a board with mostly non-anonymous members, but one anonymous one who harasses the known ones using personal information. Is that accurate? If they were all anonymous then this would be annoying, but not really a problem (despite being small and local). If none were anonymous then, according to you, it wouldn't be a problem, though I think I'd disagree there. I've known plenty of non-anonymous people who have made life miserable for the people around them.

This is beside the point though. What I was asking before was: What do you mean by "opposed and dealt with"? The only options that I see are either stripping anonymity or ensuring anonymity (plus, perhaps, some manner of user moderation to address bad comments). These are obvious answers though, just typical board admin stuff, tantamount to shrugging your shoulders and saying "oh well." By your tone you seem to be pushing for something more drastic, so I'm asking what that might be.

Comment Re:As much as could be expected (Score 1) 189

The point I'm making is that she was following the rules. You can punish her and say, "This is about what you did and not about who you did it to." the whole time you do it, and maybe even believe it as you say that, but the fact is that you have failed to punish her and other prosecutors like her for many years as they have done the same thing to other people. It's clear in that case, from your actions, that your words are untrue.

Comment Re:As much as could be expected (Score 1) 189

Oh for the sake of Pete... I wrote a lengthy reply to this, but then my hand brushed the back button. I'm not going to try to write it again, short answer: Yes, I see it differently. I think the difference is that because what she was doing is so commonplace, other prosecutors are not going to see her as a "bad prosecutor" because they don't see themselves as bad. They're going to see people making an example out of her the same way that she tried to make an example out of Aaron and ask themselves, privately, what she did wrong. And since what she actually did was business as usual, what she did can't be the answer. The answer has to be who she targeted. In other words the message that you send is that it's okay to keep doing this as long it isn't to people who are wealthy and famous and well-connected.

Now pretend that I said that longer and more convincingly.

Comment Re:As much as could be expected (Score 4, Insightful) 189

It's scapegoating in that it's pinning the problem onto a single person, who ultimately isn't responsible for a systematic issue. This is not a case of crooked individual undermining a fair and just system - what she did was commonplace, it just doesn't usually happen to someone with whom you've heard of and sympathize with. Saying, "Let's get her!" and then going home satisfied that you've beaten the bad guy is exactly how this sort of thing is allowed to continue.

Note: I am not defending her any more than I'd defend the gangster used as a classical scapegoat. Neither of their hands are clean. Does she deserve to be fired? I don't know, maybe, but it wouldn't actually do anything.

Comment As much as could be expected (Score 5, Insightful) 189

This is probably the best response possible to an "I demand you fire that person who has made me angry" rant. The petition could have asked for some reform to the prosecutorial discretion system which allowed her to hound Aaron in the first place, or maybe to the ridiculous wire fraud law that she used, but demanding the head of someone who annoys you is, one: ineffective scapegoaterry, and two: asinine entitlement.

Comment Re:Just what we need (Score 2) 41

A lot of people here are confusing the comment system, where people comment on pending FCC action, with the complaint system, where people notify the FCC when they see what they perceive as a violation of FCC censorship policy. As you say, streamlined complaints likely means increased censorship. An effective protest might be to complain about censorship - file a complaint whenever someone gets bleeped or they blur a person's middle finger. If the people doing this ever became a large majority of the complaints that the FCC receives it might induce some change on the matter.

Comment Re:Klayman (Score 1) 114

You can't abolish precedent, that's rediculous. Might as well abolish laws. Precident is just the interpretation of law - the thing that says, "Here is what this law means in this situation." WIthout it, you'd have no way of knowing how the law applied to a given fringe case. It would be entirely up to the capriciousness of whatever the judge / jury felt like at the time.

Comment Re:Clickbaiting Bullshit Works (Score 1) 224

Why do you think WWII was necessary?

It wasn't necessary of course. It happened for many reasons - overpopulation, inefficient farming, and abusive reparations after the First World War were big ones. Though you could combine the first two I suppose. It really depends how you look at it though: some might point the finger at a system of adversarial government, which was unable to satisfactorily solve the problems of overpopulation and inefficient farming, and which allowed the abusive reparations to be levied. Other people might point at specific politicians... Once again, I don't understand where you're going with this.

The first part of your comment: is that a complicated way of saying that women should not be allowed to have jobs before their childbearing years are finished?

Comment Re:Clickbaiting Bullshit Works (Score 1) 224

It's immoral to allow other people to implore a woman to do something? That's pretty messed up, but I'm going to assume that was unintended statement on your part.

If I had a daughter, what I'd want for her is a life without children of her own. I'm lost on the point that you're arguing for here - is it fucked up that people would want children so badly that they would go to such extreme lengths to ensure that they could have one? Yes it is, certainly. We would all be better off if people did not want children so badly.

But maybe you're arguing for children and against having a career? You're suggesting that women should stick with the traditional domestic role, so that they won't have to give up their child bearing years? Or maybe you're arguing against the idea that the child bearing years and career-having years should overlap at all? Perhaps this is a subtle argument against age discrimination, your point just isn't clear.

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