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Comment Re: Reason for delay? (Score 1) 347

... Right. You made a claim: "Your Vice article ... is provably factually inaccurate."

My vice article said: "the two Republican commissioners ... have refused to submit basic edits on the order." And your proof is simply that they eventually did submit basic edits. I'm going to put scare quotes around that - "proof."

You have failed at logic. There are any number of reasons why they could have changed their strategy, maybe they've come around and seen the light on net neutrality? (Unlikely, given how partisan it has become. Changing your mind is weakness after all.) More likely: maybe they decided that their stonewalling strategy wasn't as effective as they wanted it to be? Maybe the lobbyists who own them decided that the right approach was to focus on the lawsuits and attempts at legislation, and the commissioners' obstinance was slowing that down? Maybe too many people were linking to that Vice article and they felt that continued delays would be counterproductive? Who knows what the real reason is? Not you. Not me either, but at least I can recognize that.

Comment Re:Another diploma mill with a marketing team (Score 1) 85

The reputation of the college you went to doesn't get you [all of the things that are influenced by the reputation of the college that you went to]

I don't know what you're smoking here, you've clearly never applied for a job on Wall Street. That is literally the second thing the headhunter will ask you, right after: "Is it legal for you to work in the US?"

Certainly, the name doesn't get you those things by itself - the greatest correlating factor with a person's salary is the wealth of their parents. But the name of their school is up there.

Comment Another diploma mill with a marketing team (Score 3, Insightful) 85

The only real difference between an "elite" college and another one is reputation. They have more money and oftentimes more famous faculty and students, but these things just come as a result of the famous name. So how do you get the name? Mostly by being old. Strike against Minerva there... I was going to do this whole contrived "three strikes" metaphor, but this just isn't necessary: Minerva is for-profit, that's really all you need to know to see that this is another diploma mill. You'd have a better chance of your degree meaning something if you got it from Udacity. They don't offer full degrees, of course, but maybe some day?

Comment Re:how much it took (Score 1) 274

So just where is the A-10 deficient in support of ground troops?

Well... any time there's a target which isn't directly in front of it.

I don't know why you're talking about the F-35, either in this post or the one above. That isn't the topic at hand. Yes, the F-35 is an even bigger waste of money. This fact is irrelevant.

Comment Re:how much it took (Score 1) 274

That one thing is not supporting grounds troops. That one things involves supporting ground troops. There's a big difference there. If the A-10 really was the best at the very broad category of supporting ground troops then there would be plenty of reason to keep it around, but the fact that it's only effective under specific circumstances is why people want to get rid of it.

Comment Why are you even asking this question? (Score 1) 734

If this doesn't apply until they're eighteen, why is this a decision that you need to make for them? Eighteen (or seventeen and N days) is old enough to make a choice for themselves. Like tattoos, piercings, and circumcision, this is a permanent decision that should not even be available to you as their parent. It is a choice that only they can make.

As for what they should choose... Most people seem to be saying no, and with good reasons, but I'd like to point out that traveling to the US, and particularly working in the US, isn't trivially simple for Europeans, especially if you value your privacy. The more burdensome aspects of crossing the border that were put in place after 9/11 aren't inflicted on US citizens, like the pictures and the fingerprinting.

Comment Linux version? (Score 1) 143

All right, well is there a version for Linux then? I'd certainly like to give a try now, I'm only seeing Windows and Mac versions for download. I know that people have gotten this working in Linux, maybe there's a guide somewhere for how they did it?

Comment Re:It's almost like the Concord verses the 747 aga (Score 1) 157

The first US transcontinental railroad was built primarily by low-paid Irish and Chinese immigrants and veterans from the Civil War. Since it didn't go through any slave states, at no point did it involve any slaves (at least in any significant number). Though how "free" the immigrants were is probably debatable.

As for your inability to see how a tube could be cheaper than a rail track, you can always just read the proposal. The hyperloop was specifically suggested as an alternative to an existing rail project, in part because it would be cheaper, so the comparison is there. Whether it's correct or not is another question.

Comment Re:It's almost like the Concord verses the 747 aga (Score 1) 157

You're missing the point of the Hyperloop and of high-speed rail in general: it's not intended to replace passenger airplanes entirely, only for short and medium distances. The Hyperloop proposal was made as a cheaper, faster, and more efficient alternative to the Los Angeles - San Francisco high speed rail that they've been working on for years now and is costing in the tens of billions of dollars. No one ever said anything about Los Angeles to New York, that would be ridiculous.

Comment Re: The GUI is so monumentally fucked up (Score 0) 466

I was reading Soylent for a while, but there was some absurd drama among the people in charge and ridiculously long posts about all the bullshit. They forced out the guy who started it for some reason, then he wanted them to reimburse him for the money he had spent on hosting, etc... I'll take the slashvertisements over that.

On the other hand Pipedot, which is run by one guy, has been quite nice but doesn't have the volume of content to replace Slashdot.

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