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Comment Re:Must be your delightful personality (Score 1) 10

There is no reason to believe that statement.

Of course there is. I've (eventually) claimed all my sock puppet accounts, and this one is no different.

Want me to try and remember the password for darn_registrars and use that again?

But... playing your little semantic games gives you away. Why would you make such an obvious error?

Answer: Because you have to in order to keep up the charade that you aren't behind the AC trolls that follow *every single one* of the posts I make. Let's face it dude, we've already established that you're the only one with the required OCD to pull that off.

Therefore, logically, it benefits you in this silly game to play stupid - except in order to successfully play stupid, you can't actually be stupid, and you are.

I'm not denying anything. I have no sock puppet accounts, period.

So you follow a statement that you're not denying anything with a *gasp* denial that you use sock puppet accounts.

Jeez, man, you're making this too easy.

So let me reiterate: YOU, damn_registrars, are clearly behind the AC postings that reply to nearly every single post of mine. YOU, damn_registrars, are using the AC postings to laughably make a claim that this account belongs to you, even though this account is one of mine (Red).

The reason you do this is quite simple: You are embarrassed at being caught playing dumb little sock puppet and AC trolling games. You are quite likely afraid of your real identity being found out and someone you're repeatedly and obsessively harassed and stalked on this site pointing that fact out and giving you real world consequences of your actions.

And perhaps worst of all, you are upset that despite your delusional self image of yourself as the "smartest person in the room" - as witnessed by your posting history, you're been repeatedly out-smarted, out-witted, and completely outclassed by an account(s) you try to simply dismiss as a troll.

That being all said....


Love and Kisses,


Comment Re:lets add a couple to that list (Score 1) 9

ooks like you can't live without, whatever are you going to do when I stop posting here? Your life... it will lose any meaning (assuming it has any right now, which, outside of following me on /., is very unlikely).

Your obsessed AC troll is just one of the many sockpuppet account that damn_registrars uses.

d_r has a history of obsessively harassing posters, and you're just the latest in a long line.

Comment Re:Prediction (Score 1) 21

from an email address that traces back to my actual identity you could know my name.

I already know your name; it's Squeak Scolari.

Cause you're a little bitch.

Quite likely you are hoping I would email you

No, I was hoping you'd post logged in for once, and make it extremely obvious the AC posts were yours as well.

Do you ever get the feeling that I'm always a few steps ahead of you? If not... you probably should. Now go fetch the ball, bitch.

Comment Re:Prediction (Score 1) 21

What's amusing, my dear damn_registrars, is you think that *anyone* is buying this crap you're trying to sell.

Everyone knows you're not Red, and that (faking my own death aside) I am.

What we also know, is that for whatever reason, you both want me sexually and at the same time want to be me. Which is weird, but hey - you're weird.

Tell ya what. I've grown really tired of this. $10 and I'll give you the passwords to both this account and red4man. They're all yours. Just email me at foreverredforeman at gmail, and we'll discuss how you can get the ten bucks to me.

Hell, you might even be able to talk me down to 5 bucks.

Comment Re:Prediction (Score 1) 21

Thank you for posting AC, damn_registrars, just like I knew you would.

Because of that prediction I made with a friend before I posted here, I just won a $5 bet with someone.

I'll use to proceeds to pay for part of a sandwich. When I eat lunch today - very similar to the way I consistently eat your breakfast - I'll think of you. For about half a second, anyway.

Comment Of course (Score 1) 1

They are Apple Fanbois. They are Borg. They get really pissy when you criticize their stuff, because it's a deep seated inferiority complex.

See, they *know* that Apple's products are overpriced and substandard, and that developing with Apple's XCode is akin to icepicks in the toenails... so whenever it's pointed out that the Emperor has no clothes.... well, they erupt in nerd rage.

I'd joke about how they need to get laid, but their not interested in women. They like each other more.

Comment Re:And suddenly, I have a strange... (Score 1) 415

Because for all it's faults, Visual Studio is one of the better IDE's out there.

Eclipse isn't bad, but it's not as good as Visual Studio. If MS is intent on fucking up VS, then Eclipse is the next best choice.

KDevelop is also pretty good. Anjuta, NetBeans both suck, and Apple's XCode is a monumental failure of an IDE.

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