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Comment Re:It's not the packaging, it's the seal (Score 0) 398

I'd like to meet the guy who designed clamshell packages in a dark alley.

To put something fragile like a CFL bulb in it is insane. I broke one trying to open the package. I took it back to the store and got a refund, but what if I cut myself on the glass of the CFL tube?

It's a huge pain to have to get a sharp knife and carefully open those packages.

Comment Re:Interesting. (Score 0) 409

THAT's the part I have a problem with. We didn't like it when the Soviet Union had their hands in the cookie jar there and then left with their tails between their legs. We're not doing any better. I don't have a problem with give soldiers A/C. They deserve a lot more than they get. It just seems to me that this is not a fight they are ever going to win.

Comment Re:Yep (Score 0) 156

Excellent point. Bottom line is that publishers of (insert media choice here) need to make money. They deserve money for producing the products.
This guy is doing it right. If someone can't afford (or doesn't want to) spend money on the book, they can download the PDF file.
If you like it and prefer hardcopy, then purchasing the printed version is a great way to pay him for his work. Or the other way is the Donate button so you can give him at least a token of your appreciation for his work for the PDF version.

Comment Re:Daft Punk (Score 0) 412

I agree, this movie didn't need the 3D effects. It stood on it's own merits like the story line, acting, and 2D effects. To me, 3D is for movies that they don't think they will sell well with 2D, so they figure they'll just throw in 3D and the masses will come.

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