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Comment Re:Would YOU be able to sleep in space?? (Score 1) 106

I don't think I would be able to. Every moment in space feels like you're on a roller coaster drop. Your stomach constantly feels like it's in your throat. Not even the tightest strap can make your internals feel like you're back on solid ground. It would be amazing to experience space but awful to live there without some kind of artificial gravity.


Lots Of People Really Want Slideout-Keyboard Phones: Where Are They? 544

Bennett Haselton writes: I can't stand switching from a slideout-keyboard phone to a touchscreen phone, and my own informal online survey found a slight majority of people who prefer slideout keyboards even more than I do. Why will no carrier make them available, at any price, except occasionally as the crummiest low-end phones in the store? Bennett's been asking around, of store managers and users, and arrives at even more perplexing questions. Read on, below.

Why My LG Optimus Cellphone Is Worse Than It's Supposed To Be 291

Bennett Haselton writes My LG Optimus F3Q was the lowest-end phone in the T-Mobile store, but a cheap phone is supposed to suck in specific ways that make you want to upgrade to a better model. This one is plagued with software bugs that have nothing to do with the cheap hardware, and thus lower one's confidence in the whole product line. Similar to the suckiness of the Stratosphere and Stratosphere 2 that I was subjected to before this one, the phone's shortcomings actually raise more interesting questions — about why the free-market system rewards companies for pulling off miracles at the hardware level, but not for fixing software bugs that should be easy to catch. Read below to see what Bennett has to say.

Comment Re:"Thus ends "Climategate." Hopefully." (Score 0) 497

"Non catastrophic AGW" is the answer, "catastrophic AGW" is a different answer. It's not the question. The question is "What is the effect of humans dumping CO2 into the atmosphere?". You don't get to decide whether or not climate change will have an effect on the earth before doing the study. That's not how science works. You get the money to study the effects of climate change and then you find out "Surprise! Dumping a bunch of CO2 into the atmosphere is a problem." And then you publish a bunch of data that led you to that conclusion and other people (97%) agree and we all move on and do something about it.

Comment Re:The problem with traffic engineers... (Score 1) 579

The problem is worse around me. The construction companies put up cones and signs along several miles of road while only working on a small portion at a time. To make matters even worse, these construction zones are kept in place for years where weeks or even months go by with minimal or no work being done. So there are signs everywhere but they are irrelevant 90% of the time so no one follows the lowered speed limit.

Comment Re:Myth: Corp shields you from company failure (Score 2) 1330

Like "Tiffany Blue", UPS has its branding associated with a particular color. There's a difference. People don't prefer colors so people will have an easier time recognizing them. Their favorite color appeals to their subjective tastes. Saying a business has subjective tastes is like saying the number 8 has a crush on 9. You are anthropomorphizing the business despite it being a legal entity and not a person.

Comment Re:Myth: Corp shields you from company failure (Score 1) 1330

I'm aware of LLC's that can do that so they don't have to pay corporate taxes on the profit and then pay income tax by transferring the money to the owner. However, the benefit of such a company is still that your net income is taxed rather than your gross. Without a corporate status, you would be paying income tax on any and all revenue but with the tax benefits of an LLC, you get to write off your operating expenses and or money routed into business expansion instead of your own pocket.

Comment Re:Myth: Corp shields you from company failure (Score 2) 1330

Can you spend the company money on whatever you want, like a new house or a boat for yourself? No. That's embezzlement. The money belongs to the company until it is paid out to you. You may be able to make that decision, but the company exists as a separate entity from you for legal and tax purposes. That separate entity doesn't have a religion any more than it has a favorite color. It is not a person.

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