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Submission + - Help plan humanity's next 50 years in space.

Anonymous Coward writes: "SGAC, in partnership with the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future, the Boston University Center for Space Physics and the Secure World Foundation, invites input from young space enthusiasts 29 or under to contribute to planning the next 50 years in space.

The planning workshop will including prominent individuals such as Freeman Dyson, Elon Musk and Dr Harrison Schmitt, will be held in conjunction with a conference titled, "The Future of Space Exploration: Solutions to Earthly Problems?"

Travel expenses will be covered for two young people to attend the conference and participate in the Saturday planning workshop by representing the input gathered in this process. The processing of the input and preperation of its results will be opened to the youth community, and two individuals will be selected from the top contributors to this work.

The input sought at this time are key events and timing that are thought to be important for space activities over the next 50 years, with each event being as short as possible and no more than 100 words.

We hope to capture the input in a publication tentatively titled: "Looking Back, Looking Forward: The Next Generation's 50-Year Vision for Space". Questions to consider when completing the survey might include:
  • What will space look like in the next 50 years?
  • How can we learn from our history on earth as we move into this next frontier?
  • How can we create opportunities for sustainable, beneficial and effective use of space?
  • Who will decide these questions?
  • How will conflict of interests be settled?
  • What new systems, structures and paradigms do we need as we begin this new adventure?

Complete the survey
Have your say in the next 50 years of space and complete the survey.

Become a participant
The Space Generation welcomes young people under 29 to assist in the process. The work will involve the promotion of the survey, the synthesis of the results, and the preparation of the final report and presentation. The top two contributors to this process will be selected as delegates to attend the symposium.

Register now to access the participants section and to become eligible for delegate selection."

Submission + - Which rechargeable batteries?

kramer2718 writes: "I go through a lot of batteries in my digital camera, remote controls, etc. I'd like to go to the rechargeable route for the environment and for my pocketbook, but I don't know which rechargeable batteries are the best. Can the Slashdot readers out there give me some advice about which brand and types of batteries work well?"

Vendor SageTV Announces Support for AMD LIVE! Home Cinema

SageTV announced today support for AMD LIVE! Home Cinema and Home Media Server consumer electronics platform designs. "The AMD LIVE! Home Cinema with SageTV Media Center can provide complete PVR, Online Video, Music and Photo access on the TV screen at the press of a remote. The software also enables Windows, Macintosh and Linux computers as well as set-top boxes to connect to the Home Cinema at home or away with the same in

Submission + - Doom for Hubble's iconic pillars

rucs_hack writes: "The Iconic pillars of Gas in a Stellar Nursery imaged by Hubble in 1995 that became an iconic image, even appearing in Star Trek Voyagers astrometrics lab, have apparently met their end..

While some may mourn their passing, it was a predicted end to structures in a stellar nursery, with newborn stars blowing away surrounding gas. The breakup of the pillars won't be visible from earth for another thousand years."

Submission + - Google Answer to Filling Jobs Is an Algorithm

An anonymous reader writes: Desperate to hire more engineers and sales representatives to staff its rapidly growing search and advertising business, Google — in typical eccentric fashion — has created an automated way to search for talent among the more than 100,000 job applications it receives each month. It is starting to ask job applicants to fill out an elaborate online survey that explores their attitudes, behavior, personality and biographical details going back to high school. gle.html?em&ex=1168059600&en=4c26f1e0ca0babfd&ei=5 087%0A

Submission + - Life in Sulphuric Acid. The first Earthling?

Maikel_NAI writes: "A microorganism found by a group of scientist in a Russian area, is able to survive in sulphuric acid, feeding on some kind of pyrite. This fact suggest this creature has not evolve since the very first moments of life's appearance on Earth, and thus this could be the most ancient form of life in our planet. The paper, published in the last issue of the journal Nature, says that this microorganism, called Ferroplasma acidiphilum had arose at the begining of the Earth formation, more than 5 billion years ago."
Linux Business

Submission + - Why Windows Wins and Linux Loses

An anonymous reader writes: Today, you can do everything you want with a Linux desktop, except play the latest games. Even there, Linux is catching up. So, why do only a handful of people run Linux instead of Windows? Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols — not exactly an anti-Linux blogger — offers his top four reasons why Linux lags Windows in adoption, and suggests what is most needed for that situation to change. I'm wondering: what do Slashdot readers think these days? Does Linux still stand a chance of meaningful desktop penetration? Will the release of Vista increase, or decrease, the use of desktop Linux?

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