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Comment Re:Provided... (Score 1) 850

I will add too, as a former iPhone developer, that your provisioning profiles that let you run your own apps expire. They seem to have a duration or 1-2 months. I had a job interview a while back, so I put my apps onto my device, now I am getting warnings every day.

That said, developing for iPhone is a dream compared to J2ME and Brew.

Comment Re:NASA needs more budget. (Score 1) 324

The political consequences of cutting NASA are trivial compared to cutting Social Security, Medicare, Medicate or defense. In fairly short order every discretionary program is going to be cut to the bone in order to put off the day when the big entitlement programs have to be dealt with.

What is missing from this picture? How about the biggest budgetary sacred cow, defense spending? Plus the cost of 2 wars of occupation. End just one war and there will be more than enough money to fund NASA.

Comment Re:But isn't there room for both? (Score 1) 965

As a programmer who worked on J2ME cell phones for 4 years... Pretty much every phone I looked at allowed you to download apps to it from your own server, with no involvement of the carrier. Now if you were planning to SELL the app, you had to play ball with the carriers to get on their decks. You could, in theory, have built your own payment system and sold apps off your own pages (and, somehow marketed your apps independantly)

That said, J2ME programming was a nightmare, and dealing with carriers was infinately worse than any of the problems dealing with Apple. Their deal is actually quite sweet in comparison, and the tools are light years better.

Comment Re:Beware (Score 1) 623

Heh, I remember that class. Instead of doing something normal, like writing a VAX assembler in C on our VAX minis running UNIX, the Professor From Hell insisted that we use a buggy Modula-2 compiler to write assembler/linkers which outputted 8086 machine code.

The class was divided into sets of 2 teams, compiler and linker. The linker teams wrote linker loaders which took the output from their assembler team, and outputted base64 text files, which would be transfered by sneaker net to PCs running DOS, at that point you were supposed to convert the base64 files to binary, and presto, they would run on the PCs.

I don't believe a single team in my class got their project to work. And now I think I know who you are too...

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