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Comment Re:I miss GOTO...there I said it (Score 3, Insightful) 353

Yes. We used to do that in some of our source code bases. I always like how "important programmers" at "big companies" think 'goto' is verboten, but don't notice switch statements with fall-through cases. Because they're sooo much safer ;)

So I reversed that situation, and our incidence of resource handling errors went down markedly. As did our incidence of logic bugs from failing to break out of a switch.

In my opinion, obscuring the logic you're trying to express by using a workaround involving an arbitrarily "approved" keyword, obscures the logic.

Comment Re:I miss GOTO...there I said it (Score 1, Interesting) 353

Mmm. Yes. Very good class. Let's try again shall we?

Judicious use of GOTO can dramatically simplify resource cleanup when exception handling is not supported

And what is finally? That's right, it's part of the exception handling system. The concept of a "finally block" only makes sense if there are multiple paths by which the block can be reached (the normal path and the exceptional path); otherwise it would just be a statement at the end of the normal path.

Now, what about C? This is an important question because there are still (shock, horror!) some embedded environments that don't have a Java runtime environment. Why not, you may ask? Because they have 2kb code space and 512b memory!

So, what about C? Well, it doesn't have exception handling built in (more shock, more horror!). Instead, C programmers must check the result of each function call and branch to cleanup block if the result indicated an error.

</condescending >

Comment Re:I miss GOTO...there I said it (Score 5, Informative) 353

[citations needed]

Citations won't be found, because the explanation is incorrect. There is no technical issue with compilers implementing 'goto' so long as the destination is in the same lexical scope (C has this limitation). Nor is it worth considering execution context at the level of the CPU, as any high-level loop or branch instruction must be translated into one of a limited number of conditional or non-conditional, relative or absolute jumps. Ultimately whether you use 'goto' or some other control construct you are attempting to express the same programmatic flow, and the compiled instruction stream will be sufficiently similar that it's not worth splitting hairs over.

The reason 'goto' is "considered harmful" is because structured programming theorizes that any computable function can be expressed by combining simpler programs using sequence, selection and iteration; and this provides the opportunity for a constructive approach to program correctness. Dijkstra argues that we are cognitively limited and can benefit from code that is structured so that we can tell at any point where we are and where we have come from (a gross paraphrasing of what Dijkstra calls "coordinates"). But "[t]he unbridled use of the go to statement has as an immediate consequence that it becomes terribly hard to find a meaningful set of coordinates in which to describe the process progress". In other words careless use of 'goto' makes it hard to reason about your code.

Knuth contended that one could created structured programs with 'goto' statements, and provided examples of how 'goto' make the program more elegant.

It is important to realise that the claimed advantages of structured programming are undone by the use of break, continue, or exception handling. There are limited forms of goto, and using them prevents proofs of correctness (under the assumptions of structured programming; other techniques may be available) and reasoning using Dijkstra's "coordinates".

Comment Re:I miss GOTO...there I said it (Score 5, Informative) 353

Judicious use of GOTO can dramatically simplify resource cleanup when exception handling is not supported. A function that must grab N resources in order (and free them in reverse order on success or failure) requires N nested blocks if you don't use GOTO (and no nesting if you do use GOTO). Often the only way to refactor such logic into sub-functions is by using continuation passing style, which is clear as mud.

Comment Re:He seems to confuse the purpose of copyright (Score 1) 543

Unless the composer, say, negotiates with multiple groups simultaneously. Or contractually binds the first one not to perform until he has sold the work to other groups.

Either of which reduce the value of the right of first performance.

It is also economically sensible for the composer to only sell the work for enough to support him while he creates and sells the next one.

According to what theory of economics? There is undoubtedly both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in the production of creative works, but there exist at least some potential creators who are rational, self-interested actors who will pursue alternatives that have a higher expected return than the maximum recognisable value of their creation.

An economic incentive such as copyright monopoly raises the maximum recognisable value of a creation. In its absence there will be some actors that choose an alternative vocation, and society/culture will never receive those potential creations.

Comment Re:Typical Politician (Score 1) 543

You are too stupid to see how it would work

You have not provided a single example of a system which cannot be fatally undermined by a single self-interested party.

Just because you think that there must be a workable system that others are too stupid to see, doesn't mean you're right.

I can do that now legally (depending on one's reading of the law, downloading is legal and not a single case was ever filed against someone for "downloading" and instead they lie and tell the media that downloading is illegal when no downloader has ever been taken to court)

Capitol v Thomas: 'the jury was instructed to find the owners' copyrights were infringed provided the ownership claims were valid and provided there was an infringement of either the reproduction right (via Thomas-Rasset "downloading copyrighted sound recordings on a peer-to-peer network, without license from the copyright owners") or the distribution right'.

In fact A M Records Inc v Napster found that a user infringes copyright by either download or uploading, and that Napster could be help liable for contributory infringement.

(a law never applied means it is legal).

Um, wow. Yeah, you keep on believing that.

Comment Re:Shorter copyright (Score 1) 543

Please, do continue. Every ad hominem hurts you more than it does me.

The technological changes that saw the development of duplication tools dramatically altered the economic landscape for creative works. While the market became substantially larger, new forms of consumption were introduced (music could be heard via recording as well as live performance), as were new forms of competition (a recording could replace a live performance).

It is logically invalid to extrapolate from history the possibility of a future without copyright, unless you correct for the changed variables (described above).

Comment Re:Typical Politician (Score 1) 543

If you have 1,000,000 DVDs on the shelves before anyone gets a chance to copy them, then you have an advantage.

Any how do you do that? If retailers are purchasing stock then they determine the volumes, not you. If you are offering stock on consignment then you will need to raise the ~ $1,000,000 cost of pressing the DVDs. What is the business model you are going to present when you ask for a loan? "Retailers will give me $2 per DVD sold, and hopefully no-one will get a cheaper copy onto the selves before at least 500k copies sell so that I can repay the loan"?

There is also at least one party that can beat you to market and undercut you: the DVD press.

Also, would you, personally, if you walked into a store and saw two DVDs side-by-side, one the "official" DVD by the actual creators and one "bootleg" for the same price, which would you pick? Why? And how much extra is that one worth to you?

Why would I be going into a store to buy DVDs, when I can copy the content from my friend's hard drive?

Comment Re:Shorter copyright (Score 1) 543

The fact this these works are popular indicates that your taste in art differs from the majority of consumers who are willing to pay for art. The fact that consumers are willing to pay indicates that these works have value to them. If consumers don't see value in the works, there is no economic incentive to produce them.

Comment Re:Shorter copyright (Score 1) 543

1877: the first practical sound recording and reproduction device is invented.

1896: the first public exhibition of projected motion pictures in America.

Prior to that there was no novelty in live performance, there was simply no alternative.

I'm sure the Broadway production of Avatar will be along soon, and will be able to recover the $300 million cost of making the movie.

Comment Re:Shorter copyright (Score 1) 543

No, I assume that some works will only be produced if there is an economic incentive, allowing the creator to derive an income from his creations. There are some types of work that lend themselves to such endeavor in the absence of copyright (e.g. fine art), although the income potential may be increased by copyright. Other types of work (e.g. books, recorded music) are only valuable to the distributors in the absence of copyright.

Comment Re:He seems to confuse the purpose of copyright (Score 1) 543

It does if he charges the groups he sells his composition to properly.

Group, singular. Once the composition has been performed it can be recreated from the performance, and there is no need for any performer or group beyond the first to pay (to anyone) more than the cost of "reverse engineering" the performance (which many musicians can do quite easily). Given that a second group intending to perform the composition will either reverse engineer it or pay (someone), it is economically sensible for the first group to undercut any price requested by the composer, as this maximizes the first group's profit. In a very short time the marginal value of the composition tends to zero, and all profits are derived exclusively by the performers.

Which means, in your view, a composer's market is performers, and the value of a composition is determined by the amount which a performer is prepared to pay for the novelty of being the first to perform the composition (and the expectation that said novelty will cause audiences to choose to see that performer live, both initially and in future by virtue of being the seminal performer)?

Comment Re:He seems to confuse the purpose of copyright (Score 1) 543

Recorded music is cheaper than a live show of the same music. Were your conclusion valid, we would have already witnessed the death of live performances, as people would purchase the cheaper (and reusable !) recorded version instead.

As I said "the value of a performance will be determined only by the demand to see a particular performer playing live". This does not necessarily compensate the composer in any way. Many composers are not themselves performers, and any performer could perform the composition - live - with no compensation offered to the composer.

Why ? What prevents another performance from occurring ?

Who will pay for it? If you are satisfied with a recording you can obtain a copy (and as the availability of copies grows their marginal value tends to zero). If you want a live performance you will pay to see the performance, but that means you are paying the performer rather than the composer.

In the case where the performer is the composer, and is reasonably desired by audiences, then the composer gets to make money from additional performances. Contrary to popular belief there are relatively few live gigs where the face of the band (the performer who will draw audiences, irrespective of who the other band members are) is the composer of both the music and the lyrics.

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