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Submission + - OOXML - where is it today?

Raul654 writes: Back in 2007/2008, Microsoft used a boatload of dirty tricks to ram its nascent OOXML document standard through the ISO. The ISO approved the standard in two forms — strict (which was to be a clean, fully-open standard), and transitional (which included more than 1,400 pages of legacy support, effectively rendering it unimplementable). At the time it was approved, Microsoft made a series of promises, including a promise that future versions off Microsoft Office would fully support OOXML strict, not create OOXML transitional documents, and that Microsoft would work with ISO the committee to fix more than 3,000 known errors in the standard. In April 2010, Alex Brown, who supervised OOXML's ISO approval process, posted in his blog that Microsoft had broken all of its promises — it was no longer working to refine the standard and had decided to continue the use of OOXML transitional in the next version of its Office Suite. That was more than a year ago. What's the status of OOXML today?

Comment Your Own (Score 3) 329

A tip I always give:
1. Start writing something you want. (It'll keep you interested)
2. Google the SMALLER hard parts (String Parsing, data models, misc functions, etc)
3. Use that code. (No one is going to blame you for copypasta on your own project.)

Eventually you'll understand how the copied code works. After a few projects you end up writing your own version because you're better than "that guy you copied from".

Comment Rephrased. (Score 1) 209

"A change in emotions expressed online would be followed between two and six days later by a move in the index, the researchers said, and this information let them predict its movements with 87.6 percent accuracy"

Say What?:
- "A change in emotions expressed online" (50/50)
- "would be followed between two and six days later" (2-6 attempts)
- " by a move in the index" (50/50)

- Flip 2 coins, you'll get the same face 87.6 percent of the time, if you keep trying up to 6 times.

I know i'm stepping into the Gambler's fallacy here, but does anyone want to expand on the coin analogy, i'd love to see it.

Comment Don't cater (Score 2) 527

I Think the problem is that "Johnny" doesn't like programming. Why fix that?

The worst employee is a specialist that hates his specialty. He's only going to fight his way out of his job and defer to others. Why do you think there's usually more IT managers than Developers? :)

Comment Vote with your Wallet (Score 0) 537

I know it doesn't help much, but I recently moved ISPs from AT&T of this. It sounds childish and passive aggressive, but it's easier to do than you think.


2) When you find the best for you, just ask for free installation on the call. They always do it, if not, go to #2 in the list. (Bonus, new business always gets to a live rep immediately on a call. No waiting)

3) Request a weekend installation

4) Cancel At&t service. There's no contract with AT&T internet.

The only thing keeping you from unlimited data is those 3 steps (the 4th is the pay-off).

Submission + - WordPress 3.1 released, lots of fun (

clinko writes: "The long-awaited fourteenth release of WordPress is now available. WordPress 3.1 Reinhardt is named in honor of the jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt. Version 3.1 is available for download, or you can update from within your dashboard.

This release features a lightning fast redesigned linking workflow which makes it easy to link to your existing posts and pages, an admin bar so youre never more than a click away from your most-used dashboard pages, a streamlined writing interface that hides many of the seldom-used panels by default to create a simpler and less intimidating writing experience for new bloggers (visit Screen Options in the top right to get old panels back), and a refreshed blue admin scheme available for selection under your personal options."

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Systems programmers are the high priests of a low cult. -- R.S. Barton
