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Comment Re:history is a good place for it IMNSHO (Score 0, Troll) 714

I would ask for the addition to define evolution. Evolution is tossed about to mean both micro- and macro-evolution as if they are one thing. Evolutionists would do themselves a tremendous favor to make a distinction between the two. Micro-evolution to a degree can be seen. Macro-evolution has no evidence of existence at all.

Comment Re:The reason it's going to be in Ancient History. (Score 1, Insightful) 714

The battle is over in science not because there is no founding for it. The battle is over because the leaders in the scientific go out of their way to seek out those with any dissenting opinion to popular theory and throw them out. Do a bit of research yourself and you will find many valid, well-informed professors thrown out of universities for presenting or even researching on the side aspects that did not agree with the status quo.
People, particularly on this forum, put Christians down as ignorant. I believe it is much more ignorant to just flat out silence opposing views rather than actually investigate them for real merit.

Comment Re:"Faith Science Basis?" (Score 0) 714

Actually if you would take time to look into it, you would find the extraordinary efforts those in control go to in order to remove any scientist that presents a solid basis for creationism or intelligent design. Our higher education system is being destroyed by keeping dissenting viewpoints out when science has the intent of examining everything.

Comment The intent matters, true. (Score 1) 821

I completely agree that turning anything into a no-no tends to make it into a big deal, however I agree with your grandfather as well. He does/did have a very good basis for his position.

Matthew 15:18 "But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person."

"I'm far more concerned with..." and "It's only music..." and "What's the harm in watching..." are all phrases that I have recently been covering in my Sunday school and discipleship studies recently. As Christ followers, the things you list, nudity, violence, mindless "culture", should concern us greatly, but so should the lesser things as well.

Matthew 5:19 "Therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven."
Philippians 4:8 "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."

I am certain my geek card will be revoked for quoting scripture on /. Oh well. It's worth loosing if so.

Comment Re:Between the 5th and 17th floors (Score 1) 467

First, you are confusing terminology here. I think some definitions need to be made clear for such a discussion to truly fruitful. The "religion" and "religious" you describe here would be better described as "fundamentalism" and "fundamentalist". I don't think it is fair at all to lump all, let's say, faithful people together.
Second, you are focusing on the same thing main stream media focuses on...the "fundamentalists" within any specific faith. Their are fundamentalist nut-cases on both sides of any argument.

When I was a self-proclaimed atheist, I would point out to myself and others the overly radical Atheists that would make the news. I seemed to only see the overly radical Christians retort or retaliate against them. When the overly radical Christians would raise their issues so vocally, or even violently, I noticed it was the overly radical Atheists that would rise up against them as well. I didn't consider myself overly radical, so it bothered me that other atheist types were so.
Now, I see things a little differently, and it used to bother me that more faithful Christ followers do not stand up against the overly radical vocal minority to squelch them. However, I understand why. It would be pointless really. The best hope is to live our lives the way Jesus did. He never taught anything but love. He also taught freedom of choice. You don't want to believe? That is your free will. You can't have true love without free will. Are we also commanded to spread the Word of God? Of course we are. Go therefor and make disciples of all nations. Are we to do that forcefully? No! 1 Peter 3:15 tells us to do so with gentleness and respect.

So, when you see someone doing violence in the name of their religion, try to understand that they are very misled. They are misled by those who teach in His name even. Those people leading them astray will get their due. The peace loving Christ followers of the world pray for them, and all, to open their hearts to the truth, turn from their own ways, and follow the example provided by the ultimate sacrifice made on the cross for each and every one of us whether we choose to accept it or not.

Comment Re:Privacy fears (Score 1) 527

Somehow it appears everyone is missing what was actually said unless I am terribly mistaken myself. Quite possible.

I believe it was along the lines of if there is something you don't want people to know about, you shouldn't be doing it. I don't believe the sentiment was don't tell; it was don't do it.
Makes perfect sense to me. If your doing something you would be embarrassed for people to find out, then STOP! Fairly simple and incredibly smart.

Comment Not new here. (Score 1) 300

I know. I know. I am not new here. But, people, please read the article; not just the summary. The ones agreeing with just the summary are a little brainless. The ones saying how wrong the summary is did not read the article.
The article doesn't just talk about "jerk that's right" vs. "nice but wrong". It addresses managing the logical, geek, stupid sucks and makes my job harder mentality. Not that management will ever read this article and walk away willing to change anything.

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