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Comment Re:A wet dream for the likes of Monsanto (Score 2) 52

Also your liver and stomach would be subject to DMCS violations since they are consuming/breaking "media" and I have yet to see a liver paying royalties. They can encode the latest single of justing beaver in your rice! and You'll be fined by the tablespoon.

On related news, an outbreak of fainting have been reported in Disney Corp, MAFIAA and ABA headquarters.

Comment Re:Legal idiocy (Score 1) 217

Yes I was more on the line of comparing the Thinkpad as a brand that never really put a lot of emphasis on branding it's products compared to another brand that really depends on branding and price strategy. Quality is similar for both brands, but I have better experiences with Thinkpads than Apple laptops, I have a thinkpad from 2001 still running while my iBook is on a box gathering dust because proprietary shit.

Comment Re:inb4 "The PC's not dead" holy war. (Score 2) 559

When trolls get insightful and informative you know your user base is stagnated.

The article is flamebait and retarded, seems like wishful thinking in an alternate reality coming from Cupertino and the likes. Newegg might as well sell beagle boards, DIY laptops and related accessories. I bet they profit more on selling tablets than "OC-ePEn00rz GTZXX over9000 SX - Ultimate XIII Green Brutal1ty" videocards.

Comment Re:I hope so! (Score 1) 148

The whole world it's full of such craziness/weird/decadent/mindfuckstuff that you mention, is not specific to Brazil only. Anyway foreigners should not worry if they stick to the plan and don't stray to a bad neighborhood or trust a random friendly guy, same shit that you should do when you travel to a developed nation from South America.

Probably the only nations where you can walk freely are Canada and those super friendly Nordic countries, that is if you're white and don't get yourself in the middle of a NeoNazi gathering. Anyway it's easier to spot a NeoNazi group than a random kid with an UZI about to go batshit insane in the middle of a market.

Comment Re:Some reasons not too: (Score 1) 148

Because nobody else in south America would like an iPad, that fad is strong around here and almost every country have trade agreements with Brazil.

China > USA > $country
Brazil > $country

Also south America seems like the only continent thats not having financial problems at the scale of those in USA and EU. Probably the product curve reached the top in developing nations.

tl;dr: we milked people here first, now move on to milk anyone able to pay for our stuff there

Comment Re:Does EasyPrivacy Thwart this? (Score 1) 352

I do it mostly because sometimes I would like Google to track what I'm doing in certain websites, mostly related to my work, that way I get relevant Ads when visiting some blogs or open source developers, If i get to use some open source I usually click on an ad of the website as a way of supporting them. I have actually found nice services or people clicking random Ads.

My private FF sessions reside in bitlockered thumb drives shielded by every script blocker available, I do it from some laptop trough TOR, on some proxies I have installed in lousy maintained cybercafes. I don't do anything illegal but I'm sometimes commissioned to look after sensible information related to political issues or infosec. I don't have to do all this shit when browsing Know your meme, it's a waste of time.

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