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Comment Good or Great is not enough (Score 2) 195

From experience: "good"/"great" even "better than the competition" is not enough.

It must be better by a huge margin (or have a "killer app") for the phone to be adopted at this late of a stage. Android had the edge of being "free", so it was "easy" to ship with. I am curious how successful the platform will be (and will be watching from the sidelines), but at this point I do not think it will change the mobile market.

Comment Re:Agreed. (Score 1) 510

As someone who's worked with Python for years both in personal projects and professionally, I've never had an issue with that. Maybe python attracts more intelligent programmers than the dime-a-dozen .Net / Java programmers being pumped out of university.

just as javascript and php does ^^

Comment Company Lifecycle (Score 2) 121

This might be stating the obvious, but it looks like Yahoo wont be around for much longer. Looking at the current state of things, one could deduce the following lifecycle for a company:

1) Found Company
2) Innovate
3) Profit
4) Rest and watch the competition overtake you while profits decrease.
5) Start suing everyone around you for patent infringement
6) Bankrupcy

Yahoo is at step 5 now.

Comment Re:Not that specific (Score -1, Flamebait) 354

So they are analizing what kind of products a customer buys, and if they are products associated with pregnancy then they market them even more products associated with pregnancy. Seems like that without all that funny little anecdotes about pregnancy prediction, this is just the same algorithm everyone else uses: offering a customer the types of products they have bought in the past. Also, a pregnant woman in the second trimester is quite easy to detect by the good old method of looking at her.

Is this the US? Last time I visited, most women looked as if they were pregnant...

Comment Re:Sony is a Profit-Oriented Corporation (Score 4, Insightful) 507

One might suggest it's the people who wouldn't pay for Whitney Houston's music until after she died who were doing something "in bad taste". So much for supporting artists while they're sitll alive.

Not really no. People do not buy her music because she died. People buy her music now because her death has been given a lot of media attention (as it usually is with deaths of celebrities) and :

a) some people are too young to have known this music and just discover it now
b) some people have somply forgotten how good her music was

This is really a turd move from a turd of a company

Comment Re:Piracy: Free Advertising (Score 5, Insightful) 321

It is.

Once you enter the professional world (e.g. get a job in that business) you become part of the decision process on which software the company should purchase. Since you will have already gathered experience in photoshop, the company might be more inclined to go with that instead of GIMP.

Simalarly, it is easier to find people with the relevant skills. E.g. if it becomes hard to find people with photoshop skills, the business which change their applications, so that it is easier to find people with the correct skillset.

So you see, it does benefit them in one way or another.

Comment Re:Is JavaScript really that nice?? (Score 1) 194

Hi, Thanks for the response

I never argued that JS is hard to use. I only argued that it becomes unmanageable once your code base becomes large (e.g. more than 1 js file), especially if you work on a team.

Did you try renaming a function and following all instances which use that function? You cannot be sure that you have found all instances (especially if it has a similar name to a different function in a different class) unless you run the code over all code paths.

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