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Comment Re:Facebook (Score 3, Interesting) 222

Maybe you have misunderstood me.

The "connections" are a part of their business strategy. That's what they earn their revenues from: knowing who is interacting with whom, for what etc. So in a way, it is a very selfish (or mutual) thing to do.

Contributions to projects is very selfless, because Facebook is not making direct profits from making the source available (they might be making money from the changes they make, but not from making the code usable to others)

Most people do not care a great deal about Facebook's technology contributions

Agreed. But who does? Most of the technologies are not cared for even though they affect lives in large ways (MapReduce works everywhere from Google search queries, to Twitter, and Facebook. I don't know many people outside /. or IRC channels who'd even know about MapReduce)

According to me, the bigger picture here, is the obvious picture. The details seem more interesting to me. Doesn't sound like Asperger's to me. Sounds like I am just too inquisitive. ;)

Comment Re:Facebook (Score 3, Interesting) 222

This is extremely obvious to anyone who is older than 15 years old and especially for those of us who live overseas and have friends, family and people all over the world and helps to keep in touch with people easily (and no, I'm not going to bother them all by emailing them on little things).

You make a valid point, but this quoted part is pure bullshit.

The actual good Facebook has done is by contributing to projects like Cassandra and a bunch of work it did on MapReduce and Hadoop, memcached and what not. Visit their to check on that, though those aren't the only projects they worked on (more like, those are the projects they have started)

Comment Re:Why Ubuntu? (Score 1) 399

I know what you mean. If I were a .NET dev, there'd be no reason for me to look anywhere outside Visual Studio.

And wait. Feature X? There's a script that does just that. Now it's just a matter of time (a lot of it) you install it, and learn how to use it. :-)

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