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Comment Re:Evil commenting on evil (Score 1) 378

On the existing hardware a simple NOR/NAND replacement chip used for the initial boot but not the verifying stage can always be used to gain control and run old (thus hacked) loaders.

No. You're referencing this:

The revocation list is useless, but it does nothing to help us if metldr is updated with a new key and refuses to run something signed with the old key.

The revocation list's uselessness also does nothing for us today, because we have something even better - the current lv0/lv1/lv2 signing keys. This is what we will soon lose.

Comment Re:Evil commenting on evil (Score 3, Interesting) 378

allow the old key for a whitelist of known past titles

Depending on how the whitelist was done, couldn't a softmodder just have his code say, "oh, yeah, I'm [some whitelisted game]. So use the old key for me"?

No. The signature verification stars by SHA-1 hash of the executable itself. This is what is "signed".

The whitelist would be a list of SHA-1 hashes.

SHA-1 is still secure, in that it's not possible in any reasonable time to work out which few bytes you would add to the end of your homebrew that would transform your homebrew's SHA-1 hash into one of the hashes on the list.

all Sony need to do is to pull their database...

That assumes that such a database exists, which isn't necessarily true. And if Sony is sending that data over the Internet, it's just a matter of poking around the updating code and listening to the netwiork traffic, and then the hackers could have Sony kindly supply them with the factory key of any system they have an identifyer for.

Not quite. This is what's called a collusion attack, and we don't know if it's possible with the encryption algorithm Sony used, because we don't know what algorithm they used (yet) - we haven't seen bootldr.

It would be nice to have a plaintext of metldr, but we don't have that - only George Hotz does, and even then I suspect he only has some of it, not all of it.

If Sony pre-encrypt all metldrs handed out, and all console-specific keys were random (i.e. not generated based on the serial number), there's no way to map serial number to console-specific key without Sony's database (presuming it exists).

If we can't work out the encryption used on metldr, and we can't get a plaintext of the updated metldr Sony hands out, then we can't reverse their encryption mechanism and therefore work out the console-specific key for any given console.

So, our only hope is to find out where the console specific key is stored, and to become able to extract it in future. Once we have that, we can encrypt our own metldr, which is easily accessible on the flash chip.

Furthermore, if we try and work out the encryption based on large numbers of requests to Sony's update servers, they potentially could detect us and start serving us phony updates, which would scupper our attempts (and would also entirely brick a PS3 if they mistook a genuine PS3 updating)

Comment Re:Evil commenting on evil (Score 5, Informative) 378

Sony could potentially stuff the genie back in the bottle.

The first step is a new firmware update, and make it mandatory to be allowed on the PSN. This will force the hand of most actual gamers. Perhaps there's even an option for Sony to force a firmware upgrade without user acceptance - we'll find out soon enough.

The firmware update will start verifying against a new Sony public key, and will only allow the old key for a whitelist of known past titles. So homebrewers can sign anything they like, but this new firmware won't run it.

Sony will start signing new titles with random numbers as well as the private key, so the private key remains private.

There goes softmodding.

"Ah", you say. "What about hardmodding? Because Sony can't update metldr with a firmware update, we can just rewrite the firmware on the flash chip, and metldr will accept our key, so we can change any stage of loading after bootldr/metldr."

But, you neglect that Sony could update metldr. The fail0verflow people said they couldn't, because they reasoned that as metldr is encrypted with a random key that's burned into the console at the factory, Sony couldn't update it en-masse. However, all Sony need to do is to pull their database of "what key was burned into each PS3 at the factory", and add code to their firmware that gets the PS3's serial number, sends it to Sony, and in return gets a firmware update already encrypted for that console.

metldr is only use to load firmware, which Sony never allows downgrades on, so it only needs to accept the new signature on firmware, not the old one. Now homebrewers and pirates are SOL, there's not even a hardhack that'll work.... unless you avoid Sony's network like the plague from this moment on, until modders come up with a fake update that convinces Sony you've upgraded, but you haven't really.

Meanwhile, in the factory, they keep on making PS3s but they change the firmware signing key. That's all that's needed.

Comment Re:attorneys (Score 1) 973

But let's use it as a hypothetical. What if a suspect in Sweden, who was involved in publishing U.S. government leaks online, brutally attacked and raped (by all nations' definitions) a Swedish woman and fled to the U.K.?

Hypothetically, Sweden would then immediately press charges against the suspect as they would have solid evidence of wrongdoing. They would attempt to arrest the suspect as soon as possible. They could stop the suspect leaving the country immediately - he certainly couldn't get on a regular plane and leave.

The hypothetical Sweden would not drop the charges the next morning.

The hypothetical suspect would not have to phone the police himself a few weeks later to ask permission to leave the country.

The hypothetical prosecutor would not give that permission.

The hypothetical Sweden wouldn't have an elected politician/lawyer who stands to gain from political stunts and has a history of trying to change the rape laws in Sweden, volunteering to take up a highly disputed case and using a mechanism designed to arrest wanted criminals for no more than an interview, without pressing any charges, meanwhile not bothering to interview the victim who has since gone on holiday because it's his opinion that the victim can't decide if she's been raped, only the state can.

Apart from that, yes hypothetically the UK can extradite the hypothetical suspect.

Comment Re:Other OSes ? (Score 5, Informative) 199

Better than that. In OpenGL, you say "give me this vendor-specific feature" you get it. Programmers have used this to get at the latest features of chipsets long before they're standardized.

OpenGL programmers are always ahead of DirectX, even in this case where the hardware directly targets future DirectX specs.

It's like using -moz-border-radius, -webkit-border-radius and -khtml-border-radius to get CSS3 rounded borders long before CSS3 is officially released, and yet CSS3 won't be beholden to any one browser's implementation.

Comment Re:Epic Fail? Hardly. (Score 0) 534

Ok, the PS3 was launched on November 11, 2006. [] Today's date is December 29, 2010. That means that it took over four years to be broken.

No, it took 8 months to be broken.

The Other OS functionality of the PS3 was unilaterally removed by Sony on April 1st 2010. The years before are of no importance, because you could freely boot Linux. Nobody who had the skills to crack the PS3 even bothered to look.

When they removed Other OS, Sony signed their own fucking death warrant.

Comment Re:The writing was idiotic (Spoilers?) (Score 1) 412

#2: You're complaining that some things in the computer world were represented literally instead of metaphorically or as a pixelated analogue. Ah bloo bloo bloo bloo bloo.

The simulated computer world can do anything. ANYTHING. Look at the other computer-simulated-world movie, The Matrix where they hang a lampshade on it; "you think that's air you're breathing?". The characters defy real world physics with impunity.

In the original Tron, and reappearing in this one for nostalgia's sake, there are physics-defying constructs like the two-legged aircraft carrier and the solar sailship. This is what Tron was about - a computer world that is radically different to our own; it doesn't behave like reality because it's not reality.

So, given that, why the fuck do we have data-planes escaping their pursuers by doing stall turns? Something that only happens when you have gravity and air?

It's this schizophrenic mix of physics-ignoring nostalgia with physics-dependent New Content that irks me particularly. It's like there were two directors, one who was trying to copy the original Tron as authentically as possible, and one who was trying to cram in as much CGI physics as possible, and didn't know or care that the Tron world is meant to appear artificial.

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