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Comment Re:BUT WAIT!!!! (Score 1) 195

First it's gotta download that 7 Meg file, then Adobe's gotta kick start, and then it doesn't let me highlight anything to keep me from copying and pasting.

how to not use reader inside a browser

And re:slow & bloated; just go to the plugin directory and delete anything you have no need for (ie. most of it). Voilà, fast-booting, non-bloated adobe reader.

imnsho, anything xpdf-based is way slower than acrobat in page-rendering, and generally not clever enough to search ligatured words.

Comment Re:What the? (Score 1) 272

Why is it that the US seems to have such a high value on free speech

What makes you say that? Is it the "free speech zones" at the Republicrat national conventions or Lenny Bruce's multiple arrests for saying "four letter words" on stage?

I guess that “seems” is the most important word there...

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