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Comment Re:left/right apocalypse (Score 1) 495

The government more often makes the political decision to fund their research? If you're going to claim that "ability to write grant proposals that get funding" isn't the key to success in academia, then, clearly, you're an idealist.

Name all the scientists you can who had great ability to write grant proposals that get funding.
Now name all the scientists you can who made great advances in scientific knowledge, or who were great scientific communicators.

See which list is longer?

Comment Re:left/right apocalypse (Score 1) 495

I didn't go to school for ten years studying engineering and CS so I could deal with politics more than designing new software. Yet that is what I do anyway, despite working for a highly successful engineering company.

What does it mean for an engineering company to be highly successful?

What does it mean for an academic to be highly successful?

See the difference?

Comment Re:History is written in the geologic record. (Score 2) 495

Primates were doing fine during periods that had higher CO2 concentrations than any predicted by the IPCC.

I don't think you could say that with confidence. Geocarbsulf is already pretty rough by 55 million years ago.
But certainly, no species of primate that is currently existent were doing fine during periods that had higher CO2 concentrations than we're going to be seeing.

Your idea of speciation is wrong; speciation happens when ecological niches open up; "reduced gene pools" and "habitat loss" don't prevent it, they encourage it.

I don't see how speciation could occur without internal variation in a species. There's nothing to differentially select for.

Moreover, within an ecological system, a drop in genetic diversity of a species can result in a drop in species biodiversity of the system, and vice-versa

The experimental results, combined with natural observations, show that in this system, the maintenance of species diversity is dependent on sufficient genetic variation, because without this variation the system would become dominated by B. nigra (if sinigrin levels are uniformly high), or by other species (if sinigrin levels are uniformly low). - Mutual Feedbacks Maintain Both Genetic and Species Diversity in a Plant Community Lankau and Strauss, NATURE, (2007)

Comment Re:History is written in the geologic record. (Score 1) 495

Extinction due to climate change? What science is that based on? During the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum there was a great diversification of terrestrial life

They're not antithetical. Warm periods are associated with and increase in both speciation and extinction.
Speciation is a bit limited at the moment due to greatly reduced gene pools from habitat loss, pollution, over exploitation and climate change. So this particular one will hit hard.

Comment Re:left/right apocalypse (Score 1) 495

You bring up a good point about much higher levels of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere.

Most of the fossil fuel that we burn today comes from the Carboniferous period, when the newly evolved bark bearing trees were laid down in large numbers because the capacity to break down or digest the lignin had not yet evolved.

That carbon has been taken out of the biosphere and buried deep these past 300 million years. We are in a very real way returning the climate to the one that is was by digging up the dead: It is the same carbon that we are returning to the atmosphere.

It's not a good point about the much higher levels of greenhouse gasses in the past. That's why what we're doing now is dangerous.

Comment Re:left/right apocalypse (Score 2, Insightful) 495

And if you think science has nothing to do with politics, you really haven't been paying attention. Scientists are no more or less idealists than anyone else, no more or less corruptible, and in the absence of data that people admit falsifies their hypotheses, can spin their wheels for a generation agreeing with one another and accomplishing nothing (see: string theory).

Yeah, mate. The scientists did all that undergrad and postdoc study so that they could all become idealists instead of doing research.

Thank God we have you to show us where they all went wrong. Politics!

You do realize as the only person smarter than all the scientists, you have an obligation to fix up the politics errors in the climate science papers, and submit the truth for publication.

Comment Re:left/right apocalypse (Score 1) 495

Yes, we get it: people who doubt global warming are not of your tribe

People who doubt science be it evolution or climate science or that vaccines are effective, or that we landed on the moon are fine is small quantities, but that kind of bullshit in "news for nerds" being moderated up is a bit near the bone.

Yes, we get it: you enjoy trolling the people who like science, but Angel does have a valid point. Stop writing so much bullshit. It's getting offensive.

Comment Re:left/right apocalypse (Score 4, Informative) 495

I mean shit, look at Al Gore, if there was a list of everybody on the planet sorted by personal carbon consumption, he'd probably be in the top 1%.

Gore is carbon neutral isn't he?

I don't care how energy efficient his 20 bedroom house or his private jet are;

Gore doesn't have a private jet.

both inevitably consume a LOT more energy than your typical person's luxuries.

How does a jet consume energy without existing?

In a small contained lab environment we can sit there and measure how much of a greenhouse effect different gases have, but historical data doesn't even so much as show a correlation between greenhouse gases and climate change.

That's not true for any of the past 420 million years

IIt doesn't appear to harm ocean life

Bullshit, Bullshit, Bullshit.

plant life, or land animals either


as during one of Earth's "greenest" periods in history we had 20 times the present atmospheric CO2, really fucking massively sized insects, dinosaurs, and more.

Kind of irrelevant. We have existent species now. Those are the ones that have to be able to live. Really fucking massively sized insects, and dinosaurs are already dead.

Other data suggests that rises in atmospheric CO2 follow rises in climate, not the other way around

CO2, increasing since about 1750.
Temp, from about 1900.

As for global warming itself, it could be fully or partially man caused. I don't know, but again, I don't think it's a problem either way, so I don't really give a crap.

Well, we've got a lot of science now, so we don't need to base our decisions on what you think.

It's entirely possible that the higher CO2 we're seeing is yet another rise following a climate change that we had no part in.

No it's not. It's from the combustion of fossil fuels.

And by the way, the arguments for stopping climate change so that we can save the economy are also incredibly stupid and self defeating.


We have not, even one time, seen a case where climate change has caused long term economic damage.

Bullshit. Economic impact of global warming is costing the world more than $1.2 trillion a year, wiping 1.6% annually from global GDP

Meanwhile we have seen on well more than one occasion where stupid economic decisions cause global long term collapse. Hurting the economy for what is probably much ado about nothing is therefore pointless

The 10 state Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative saw their combined economies increase by 1.6 billion in the first three years. Oh, the pain! The pain! Ouch! Stop the hurt!

Why did /. vote this bullshit +5, interesting? I would have thought anti-science grandstanding was antithetical to "news for nerds". This place really has dropped in discernment over the past few years hasn't it. .

Comment Re:In Related News (Score 2) 185

Wow. 0.1C of warming in 30 years.

Nope. Nearer 0.5C.

That's statistically indistinguishable from 0.

If it's not, then you have no basis for claiming there's a pause. A pause is when you can show that there has been at most 0 increase.
Perhaps you should test against the weaker criteria, that it is distinguishable from 0.16C. Then at least you could claim there's been a slowing.

Even the IPCC would admit that; that's why they're in a panic trying to explain "the pause."

Dude, the AR5 was last year. IPCC aren't doing WG1 publications now.

In terms of climate science, analysis of deeper ocean warming is now consistent with radiative forcing from other calculations. You're ten months behind the science.

Comment Re:NASA disagrees (Score 1) 185

It is a travesty that we let any independent thought or dissenting viewpoints be heard.

Well informed, and, dare I say it, nerdy, dissenting views are well tolerated. Anti-science: Climate change denial, anti-vax, intelligent design proponents, moon landing hoaxers ... I don't mind these people having a voice, but "+5 Informative"?

I beg to differ.

(Although at time of posting, it's +1 Informative)

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