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Comment What do all those people at Google do? (Score 1) 235

This isn't the first time I've heard about Google hiring in waves (they came into Austin a number of years ago, hired a bunch of folks, then closed the office, forcing people to either move or quit, now their back again).

So what are all these people working on?
There's the search engine, of course. And Gmail. And a slate of other hanger on type apps that no one I know uses. Google Books? anyone?
I guess they need folks for Android? I'm assuming that's the case. Now that they have a licensable tangible product to develop and support there's always work to be done and bugs to fix. OS's take a lot of work.

Comment Re:Sparc (Score 1) 235

That's kind of a weird comparison, though. Power7 cores have 4 hw threads. Nehalem has 2 'hyper' threads.

Like any tool, you pick the right one for the job. Nahalem is quite fast on a single thread, but if you have a web server processing boat loads of transactions/second, you may look towards a tool that is fast on many theads and can churn through many transactions concurrently.

Comment What's with Google? (Score 1, Interesting) 292

I know only a minimal amount about Android, but why does Google insist on walking on the very edge of legality in regards to all of the software involved here? Licensing costs? That explains Java, but why all the incompatible custom changes, copyright header removals, and general open source shadiness.

They may be within that law, but are outside the bounds of being upstanding (apologize before hand for the term) 'FOSS netizens'.

Can they really not get Android to work *and* play nice?

Comment Re:Glad to see (Score 1) 200

Unfortunately, the quantity of apps is lacking, but as a fan of FOSS, you may be interested in how much WebOS has in common with other Linux distributions.
Kernel 2.6.14
glib, udev, lvm, WebKit, gStreamer, etc

Take a look here:

If you install a terminal app and take a look around, it looks much like a standard Linux system. Often times Linux apps compiled for arm just work.

To answer you question: Freedom! Palm (now HP) have been encouraging people to hack/extend/play around with the system. It's a great little Linux system with a top notch interface(Luma). It's a shame that it's so ignored.

That being said, I have no idea what this "webOS on a PC" means. it may just be the Luma interface running on windows, which just sounds 'ick'.


Old People Enjoy Reading Negative Stories About Young 122

A study by Dr. Silvia Knobloch-Westerwick and co-author Matthias Hastall suggests that your grandma's self-esteem gets a boost when she hears about the stupid things young people do. "Living in a youth centered culture, they may appreciate a boost in self-esteem. That's why they prefer the negative stories about younger people, who are seen as having a higher status in our society," said Dr. Silvia Knobloch-Westerwick. From the article: "All the adults in the study were shown what they were led to believe was a test version of a new online news magazine. They were also given a limited time to look over either a negative and positive version of 10 pre-selected articles. Each story was also paired with a photograph depicting someone of either the younger or the older age group. The researchers found that older people were more likely to choose to read negative articles about those younger than themselves. They also tended to show less interest in articles about older people, whether negative or positive."

Comment Eli Stone?? (Score 1) 434

That show had religious metaphors about as subtle as a thong worn outside the pants.
That show had religious metaphors about as subtle as a Bella's hormones in Twilight.
That show had religious metaphors about as subtle as glow-in-the-dark condom.
That show had religious metaphors about as subtle as the politics in Chicago.
That show had religious metaphors about as subtle as the politics in Avatar.
That show had religious metaphors about as subtle as a vuvuzela horn.
That show had religious metaphors about as subtle as advertising during Saturday morning cartoons.

eh..sorry..got a bit carried away

More on topic: I'd probably pay for this if they expanded the shows/channels that they offered. Don't care so much about most of those shows.

Comment Larrabee was a hedge anyway (Score 5, Interesting) 165

I kind of think Larrabee was a hedge.

If you think about it, around the time it was announced (very early on in development, which is not normal), you had a bunch of potentially scary things going on in the market.
Cell came out with a potentially disruptive design, Nvidia was gaining ground in the HPC market, OpenCL was being brought forth by Apple to request a standard in hybrid computing.

All of sudden it looked like maybe Intel was a little too far behind.

Solution: Announce a new design of their own to crush the competition! In Intel-land, sometimes the announcement is as big as the GA. Heck, the announcement of Itanium was enough to kill off a few architectures. They would announce Larrabee as a discrete graphics chip to get gamers to subsidize development and....profit!

Lucky for them, Cell never found a big enough market and Nvidia had a few missteps of their own. Also, Nehalem turned out to be successful. Add all that up, and it becomes kind of clear that Larrebee was no longer needed, negating the fact that it was a huge failure, performance-wise.

Intel is the only company that can afford such huge hedge bets. Looks like maybe another one is coming to attack the ARM threat. We'll see.

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