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Comment Re:Nonsense (Score 1) 1127

Criticism has a value, though. User interface design is a good example of an area where users rarely have good suggestions, or at least, not immediatly after suffering the problem. The designer must find out what the problem is (sometimes by inferring it from the suggested solution) and then try to come up with a good solution that doesn't break the original design altogether. In this sense, users that are good at pointing out where the problems are are potentially better than those who make quick suggestions. The first group is likely to work together with the designers in finding a satisfactory solution, whereas the second group may be much more inclined to defend their own solutions, however inappropriate.

Comment Re:Incorrect this is not (Score 1) 234

It is not a project by Google's engineers, it's an independent project hosted by Google.

The project is indeed sponsored by Google. See the last question in their FAQ.

Also, 5x speedup is insignificant. Psyco already provides speedups much larger than that, depending on the type of code (algorithmic code could be improved 60x or more).

You're saying it yourself: depending on the type of code. Psycho may achieve impressive speedups for certain algorithms, but the gains are not has high in general. These guys are aiming at speeding all Python code up by a factor of about five, which would be far from insignificant if they suceeded.

By the way, Pypy is much more ambitious than this one.

Pypy is an interesting project. Unfortunately, though, they are progressing very slowly.

And finally, their goals and timeframe seem a little bit unrealistic. I'd love to be proved wrong though...

You may be right here. Only time will tell.

Comment Re:Anybody really surprised? (Score 1) 518

Then, calling for ban of $random will always be easier than calling for actually doing something to fix the actual cause ... which, in this (and probably most/all cases) is taking care of a psychologically sick kid decently, and/or kicking the parents for not taking the time to care for their child(ren) ... sure, it's easier to let the TV and computer take care of them instead of spending time yourself ...

Although I generally agree with your point of view, I notice you seem to think that the kid was just "psychologically sick" and the whole tragedy happened because his strange illness somehow moved him to wake up one day, take the bus to his old school, and kill 12 people there with a pistol.

I would rather say he was horribly bullied during the years he spent in that school, and this is what actually motivated him to do what he did. This is another problem that seems to be common in schools here in Germany, and that will also be utterly ignored by both media and politicians whenever such a discussion comes up.

Sad state of things, indeed.

Comment Re:Or maybe you're pulling that from your ass (Score 1) 440

Linux has an annoying security model, for one reason - it's not very unified between cmdline and GUI.

Can you be more specific? What gives you the impression that the security models are actually different?

1) Apps are labelled by task rather than name. I had to use google to find out that the "File Browser" was called "nautilus". Gee - could you label it using the app's name, or make it launchable by entering something like "file-browser" in the run box?

This sounds like a good idea. What about filing an Ubuntu bug for that?

2) No easy way to sudo GUI stuff. Often I have to open a terminal and use sudo to complete a task, which is annoying. Why can't there just be a button to kick me up to root for a minute or two?

3) Navigating folders is a PITA in the terminal.

Hmm, gksudo works fine here. That said, it is not recommended to run GUI applications as root, so avoid it if possible.

These fail:

[assorted cd commands deleted]

Would it hurt to be a little intuitive about where I wanted to go? Apparently so...

Would it hurt to spend some time trying to understand how the UNIX file system works? Apparently so...

This stuff is not intended for naive users; it never was. Still, the rules are very clear and not at all difficult to understand, but you have to put some effort into that.

4) More #2. It would be much easier to have a way to kick gedit up to root so I can save xorg.conf. That'd save me having to navigate to that folder, which took 10 minutes the first time.

I'm feeling generous today, I'll give you a formula:

cd /etc/X11
gksudo gedit xorg.conf

And, besides, what the heck are you doing with your system that you have to edit xorg.conf that often?

5) Argh. More #3. My Windows partitions often have folders about 8-20 deep. Navigating with the terminal is... horrible. I may have to resize my linux partition and just stick everything on it, because accessing stuff on a shared partition with good organization is such a huge PITA.

Is it better in Windows? Whenever I have to suffer a Windows command line, I find navigation deeply unnerving, but this is off-topic. Look, I've been using the Unix command line regularly since the early 90s. And you know what I do when I have to find my way arround a large file hierachy? I open a nautilus window (often issuing 'nautilus .' from the command line, so that it opens where I'm standing), and navigate to where I want to go. But, anyway, if you you are so adamant about doing everything from the command line, tab completion is your friend, use it!

6) Oh dear god. I made a shortcut to a file on an NTFS partition and put it on the desktop. The thing is, when I open it, I can't go "up" to the folder's parent folders - it takes me "up" (back) to the desktop. Great. I guess I'll get into the habbit of opening the terminal, typing "gksudo nautilus" in, then navigating manually to the folder I need on my NTFS partition, so that I can go "up" properly and copy stuff around...

'man bash' is your friend here, but, as I said, I'm feeling generous today:

set -P

will solve your problem. And, again, "gksudo nautilus"? Where does your obsession with running everything as root come from? Windows, maybe?

And btw, this only takes 1-3 seconds on Windows, because I have a modified run box that opens the correct folder based on the name and some simple heuristics. Why can't linux have a decent find feature? And for that matter, why can't Microsoft create one for Windows? Bleh. They both fail at finding - but at least I can navigate quicker under Windows thanks to brilliant third party coders.

What do you call "find feature" and what do you want to do with it? I would point you to the find and locate commands, but they may or may not fit your needs.

7) I hate bash. I really really hate it. A misplaced space, and the whole script breaks down. It's actually simpler for me to script stuff in java than in bash - perhaps because of the more lenient syntax of java. O_o

Sorry to say this, but I fear you'll have to learn how the shell works in order to use it effectively. If you really really want to learn (and you seem to) my recommendation to you is to read "The Unix Programming Environment" by Kernighan and Ritchie. It's an old book, but it explains the UNIX philosophy better than anything else I know, and I bet most of the examples there will still run properly on any modern Linux system.

8) What is up with all that MIME handling rather than extention handling? I have some folders that take a second to display on Windows, but literally take 25-40 seconds in Ubuntu, because of all the identifying of file types.

What you're seeing the is not the MIME handling for the most part, but problems with the implementation of nautilus.

9) I love the desktop security. Just about everything I try to run off the desktop fails. I tried running a java jar that loads and displays a PNG file from the same folder. It failed - no read permissions! Then I tried un-taring something, and that failed too! (tar -xvvf blah.tar?) I tried to copy it to my NTFS partition, but that also failed, so I re-downloaded it. After verifying they had identical MD5's, I deleted the one on the desktop and un-tar'd it successfully from the NTFS partition. Very cool desktop security. I'll make a note not to download stuff there. That's not really a peeve, to be honest - it was more fascinating to me than anything else.

Fascinating, indeed! Q. Why is it that I do things similar to those you describe on a daily basis without running into trouble? A. Because I know what I'm doing, of course!. Once again, spend an hour or two reading about the UNIX file system, it will be worth it. I bet you just attempted the operations on directories (this is how "folders" are called here in Unixland) for which you don't have write permissions. And the reason you don't have write permissions is in order to prevent you from messing up your system, which is what you seem to desperately be trying to do right now.

Final Note: Right now I'm happy and a bit annoyed.

I got systester to compile a little while ago. After that, I installed Fennec, which I had to manually un-tar into /usr/share/, then set up privs so that it could actually execute.

Why did you do that? Typing "fennec ubuntu" into Google led me to this forum thread where someone is kindly maintaining an Ubuntu repository for Fennec, so that you don't have to trash your /usr/share directory by installing it manually. By the way, if you install stuff from hand, do it under /usr/local. Everything else belongs to the distribution and should never be touched if you want to keep it running.

Playing around in Ubuntu is actually quite neat, and damn it all, I actually feel slightly competent right now. A bit frazzled/spazzy, but I'm sure that'll go away once I get used to all the annoying quirks.

Oh yeah - and in Windows, even with the tightest security, an executable has access to its current folder. On linux, that doesn't seem to be the case!

You seem to be surprised by the fact that you're now dealing with an entirely different system, and seem to desperately want to make it fit into the Windows model you have in your head. I don't blame you for that, but accepting that you're now working with something different and dedicating some time to really learning it may actually be the path of less resistance.


Did the Netbook Improve Windows 7's Performance? 440

Arnie87 writes "One Microsoft Way has an interesting article suggesting that the reason Microsoft is focusing so much on speed with Windows 7 is the whopping sales of netbooks. The article concludes by saying: 'If you plan on adopting Windows 7, you have the netbook to be thankful for, because Vista's successor would be a very different beast if Microsoft had less motivation to pursue performance.'"

Comment Re:Me: Linux Newbie Experience (Score 1) 936

I got Ubuntu 8.01 ... I think that's the one.

You probably mean 8.10, which, by the way, stands for October 2008.

I was so frustrated with trying to get Ubuntu to just "run" that I was at my wits end. Problems with my monitor and graphics card.

Known problem: some hardware won't work as easily, or won't work at all. Unfortunately, it is impossible to create an operating system that runs on any random hardware, however rare, or new, or special it may be. I always buy my hardware with Linux compatibility in mind, but I can see that this is not necessarily an option for the casual user.

When I finally got it "working," I had no clue how to install programs. After calling a friend who is a Linux person, I got most of my rough spots smoothed out. But, without some outside help, it was hell. An issue I NEVER run into with Windows XP.

Interesting. I just typed "ubuntu installing programs" into Google (this was the first set of search terms that came to my mind) and the first result I got was this site, which contains a nice picture tour of Ubuntu software installation.

By the end, I really liked the package manager, but my (and my wife's) gaming habits and my use of Photoshop and Illustrator pulled me back to Windows. It was just way to (sic) different for someone without some help.An introduction video would have helped.

Indeed, an introductory video would help, but as your experiences and those of the TFA's author show, there would have to be a version of it aimed specifically at Windows power users. The problem is obviously not the package manager in itself, but the fact that Windows power users approach the system with a particular, technical mindset, which happens not too match linux at all. As a result, great frustration and confusion ensue.

Ironically, naive users often have a much easier time migrating, because, for them, the system just looks a bit different. The power user, on the other hand, is suddenly confronted with an entirely different beast, and he feels frustrated when he notices that his entire bad of tricks, learned over years, doesn't work any more. I wouldn't blame Ubuntu for this problem, but I agree that doing something to make it easier for expert users to migrate would be a good idea.

Comment Re:Get it through your thick skulls!!!! (Score 1) 936

Regular users, which is most of the world don't want to deal with any arcane and esoteric commands.

Who is speaking about esoteric commands here? Ubuntu has two different GUI programs for installing software. One is accessible by opening the "Applications" menu (which is equivalent to Windows' "Start") and selecting the last option, aptly named "Add/Remove...". This one is intended for newbie users: it only presents user-level applications (system stuff and daemons are excluded) and reduces the list to one application for each particular task (e.g., only one instant messaging client will be offered, even if there are many available in the repository).

The second one, Synaptic, is placed under the "System|Administration" menu, and offers access to the full repository, through software categories, as well as a convenient search-as-you-type feature. This is the option I normally use, even despite of the fact that I have been using Unix systems since the early 90s and am well acquainted with the command line.

By the way, these two options are discussed in the TFA, including nice, color screenshots. 2002 came and went. Why are you still complaining about cryptic commands?

Comment Re:Waste of Time (Score 1) 936

In order to get the software ahead of schedule. Ubuntu generally makes lots of small changes to make sure that software packages run properly inside the distribution. This integration work takes time and effort, and, obviously, requires testing. For this reason, new major releases of big distribution components, such as OO, get only released when Ubuntu itself is updated, that is, every six months.

Of course, you can often get updates for individual software packages before Ubuntu releases a whole distribution update, but, in this case, you have to go through the extra effort of activating a special repository. Otherwise, you just wait, and you'll get a distribution update offered in due time.


Is the Relational Database Doomed? 344

DB Guy writes "There's an article over on Read Write Web about what the future of relational databases looks like when faced with new challenges to its dominance from key/value stores, such as SimpleDB, CouchDB, Project Voldemort and BigTable. The conclusion suggests that relational databases and key value stores aren't really mutually exclusive and instead are different tools for different requirements."
The Military

German Bundeswehr Recruiting Hackers 156

bad_alloc writes " tells us about the German Bundeswehr's idea of recruiting hackers in order to 'penetrate, manipulate and damage hostile networks.' (Note: The following passage has been translated from German into English: 'The Regiment is stationed in Rheinbach, near Bonn, and consists of several dozen graduates from Bundeswehr universities. They're training at the moment, but the 'hackers in uniforms' are supposed to be operational by next year. This regiment officially belongs to the "Kommando Strategische Aufklärung" (strategic reconnaissance) and is commanded by Brigadier General Friedrich Wilhelm Kriesel. The Bundeswehr has not said anything to this regiment yet.' You can find the full article in German."

Comment Re:the acorn becomes the mighty oak...yeah yeah (Score 1) 583

If they do all the hard work, how come so many people are installing Ubuntu instead of just plain Debian? Or, seen another way, if it's so easy to turn Debian into Ubuntu, why haven't Debian developers done that themselves?

Yes, the Debian guys do lots of valuable work, but they are far from being responsible for Ubuntu's success. Saying they are is just laughable.

Comment Re:Freak your colleagues out with "no loop" code.. (Score 3, Informative) 382

Do you happen to have a link to what you mean by "a program should not have state"? Because, I mean, that seems antithetic to the nature of a program.

Of course there is a state, you're using a standard computer to run the program, so there must be a state somewhere. Still, the point is that even if the language implementation works by changing the computer's memory state, the abstraction you use to program isn't state-based. In a pure functional programming language, you don't program by manipulating a state, but by computing the results of functions.

Regarding the SICP book, like most functional programming languages, Scheme isn't a pure functional language. It contains constructs with side effects, which actually change the program state directly. Such constructs are available because there are problems that are very difficult (but not impossible) to handle with pure functional programming, so language designers end up making compromises.

Just my 2 (Euro) cents

Comment Re:What to do with stuck notifications? (Score 1) 306

This goes with the "There should be no actions on notifications" bullet point from the article. This leaves the user with no recourse other than to kill the notification agent in case a notification becomes stuck. While this is only the display agent, there should always be an "exit" for the user.

What makes you think that interactive notifications are less likely to get stuck than non-interactive notifications? This all boils down to the reliability of the notification daemon, not to the interaction style. If the daemon displaying an interactive notification suddenly hangs, you won't be able to interact with the notification anyway. You'll have to restart the daemon.

I would say that a daemon that can only display non-interactive notifications will probably be simpler, and, thus, more likely to be reliable. We'll see how Canonical's implementation fares in this regard.

Comment Re:You need to explain (Score 1) 1589

Despite what you may have heard, we Americans are not as unsophisticated as you might think. Even those of us that are Conservatives.

I'm from Colombia and can speak three languages fluently. Should we conclude that all Colombians are polyglots?

Soy colombiano y hablo tres idiomas fluidamente. Deberiamos concluir entonces que todos los colombianos son poliglotas?

Ich bin Kolumbianer und kann fliessend drei Sprachen sprechen. Sollten wir dann zum Schluss kommen, dass alle Kolumbianer mehrsprachig sind?

(excuse the lack of diacritics/special letters, being an American website, Slashdot still doesn't handle them properly...)

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