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Comment Re:Of course. (Score 1) 1174

Cash they can seize (the booty funds "overhead," leaving more money from taxpayers to spend on boondoggle body scanner devices) is the name of the game. Some police agencies get vast swath of their funding from such seizure activities.

We have an x cop as a next door neighbor and he basically said the same thing..He indicated the whole "war on drugs" was a huge money making racket and all sides are in on it.

Comment Re:Droid Wall (Score 1) 79

" Sorry, if showing ads to someone who doesn't want to look at them is your business model and it stops working, you will have to either get a business model that works or go out of business.

So very true. You can show me ads till you are blue in the face..But keep in mind,ads annoy me..You are guaranteeing yourself I will not buy your product when you annoy me.

"I have been to websites that contained a warning "You are blocking ads, you may not use our website. Unblock our ads before you come back here". Sounds like a website to stay away from to me.

Yes..You tell me to unblock and look at your stupid ads that I'd never click on anyway and I'm gone.

Comment Re:too late (Score 2) 234

No tv here either..We just have a couple to watch DVD's and streaming video. This does not surprise me..They want to nickel and dime us to death..A company can have billions of dollars,but it is never enough..They are never satisfied. I stopped using Microsoft's OS years ago when I discovered Linux...Never looked back.. This reminds me so much of the Beatle's song Tax man.

Comment Re:Aaaaaand cue Gnome bashing (Score 1) 144

I'm not sure I'd trust opinion articles from LinuxInsider to be anything other than anti-linux trolling. Weren't they constantly talking up SCO during that whole debacle years ago?

I heard this @ as well,so I don't know whether this website can be trusted or not..Is it anti-Linux? Not sure.

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