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Comment "Consistent Experience" (Score 1) 497

Yeah, sure, I guess they're right on that. Nvidia drivers have crashed my (now long gone) install of Vista and forced me to reinstall Linux Mint two times because both available proprietary drivers crashed the GUI, leaving me no access to my OS. Oh well, at least I didn't have much on there anyways.

Comment Wait... 45 METRES?! (Score 0) 119

Oh no! A 45 meter space rock might hit us, and it might mean the end of the world, even though we're about 26,000 mi in diameter and it will probably burn up in the atmosphere! And of course, we all know when someone throws a pebble at a person, that person EXPLODES! WE ARE ALL DOOM-ED!

Comment Youtube (Score 1) 980

The perfect example of this is Youtube. I remember when it was just a simple 3X4 block of videos for your subscriptions. Now, it's a huge, hulking tower of information I don't really need to know. Shiny buttons are fine and all that, but I agree somewhat with what they were saying. For the new people: yeah, you can use your shiny newfangled UI, but don't alienate those of us who have been using this system for god knows how long and know the ins and outs of it. It's like somebody before said: have a basic and advanced option, kinda like how XP has Classic and Standard options.

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