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Comment ok, but ko (Score 2) 133

try https://g.co/

g.co use an invalid security certificate

Certificate valide only for :
    *.google.com , google.com , *.atggl.com , *.youtube.com , youtube.com , *.ytimg.com , *.google.com.br , *.google.co.in , *.google.es , *.google.co.uk , *.google.ca , *.google.fr , *.google.pt , *.google.it , *.google.de , *.google.cl , *.google.pl , *.google.nl , *.google.com.au , *.google.co.jp , *.google.hu , *.google.com.mx , *.google.com.ar , *.google.com.co , *.google.com.vn , *.google.com.tr , *.android.com , *.googlecommerce.com

(error code : ssl_error_bad_cert_domain)

Comment Re:So do it yourself, better.. (Score 3, Insightful) 324

Nobody tried to get a hold of these orphan books and put them out there, because such an activity is illegal, or a bad move.
Normal companies didn't do it. It is illegal.
Publisher surely didn't want to do it, because orphan works are the best. They are not competition(like public domain), and they are not accessible(unlike public domain).
When US signed Berne convention, they stopped a very reasonnable system, where the registration obligation prevented the very existence of orphan works.
By letting Google monopolize orphan works, one give a bonus to the player that didn't follow the rules. As a society, it is usualy a very bad idea.

Comment Who is this Colbert Guy ? (Score 1) 398

The first Colbert suggested by wikipedia is :
Jean-Baptiste Colbert (1619 -> 1683), French minister of finance under King Louis XIV

This state servant was one of the primary artisan of the present French situation, where we have national or quasi-national big corps, with very tight links with the central administration.
Colbertism, named after him, is a form of mercantilism where the good of the nation is only really the good of the ruling class.

Perhaps this historical view is not completely irrelevant for NASA...

Now, for international observers, perhaps your TV host is famous in the US, but US is not the world.

Comment Re:Colbert trumps Scientology; everyone wins. (Score 2, Informative) 471

According to wikipedia :
Colbert is a common surname and rare given name of Old French and Old German origins; it was introduced to Britain by the Normans.[1]

Colbert most commonly refers to:
Jean-Baptiste Colbert (1619–1683), French minister of finance under King Louis XIV...

And that's the US version.

Comment Being for reasonable IP, but preaching for NO IP (Score 1) 483

The problem with a balanced objective is that it cannot be achieved by negotiation again unreasonnable demands.
xxAA want infinity.
You want 25 or 50 years.
If you say you want that, the "management", hearing 50 and infinity, will go toward extension, trying to attain a balanced compromise.
If you really wants reasonable terms, given your opponents, you are best saying you want NO ip.
Then, when the statusquo is maintained, or the recent international delirium begin to fade, you can "accept a compromise", keep the moral high ground, and be ready for the next round of fight against extensions of IP.

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