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Comment Re:Macs will be a closed platform in the end (Score 2) 517

I think that's clearly where they are headed too. Apple was never into 'open' and I'll bet these last 10 years spiking the koolaid with FOSS have grated on their sense of rightness. iTunes was one thing but this app store business... it's all coming home now. I've already moved my world back to linux. OS/X was great for a while though. I'll probably even miss it a little bit, but that's all.

Comment I hope they figure it out soon (Score 1) 370

I am no MS fan. I haven't run an MS OS since windows 3.1 but I do hope they get it together. If they don't then Apple will be the only real game for the proprietary OS world and anyone who looks can see where they headed and how well that worked for the people with MS's years of dominance. Apple is building a wall, brick by brick so I really hope MS figures it out and doesn't die anytime soon. If this adds some savvy into their myopic, top-heavy world then bring it on.

Comment maybe Balmer needs to go (Score 1) 331

I don't know what goes on in Redmond but I have never been able to figure out why Balmer speaks out loud. I have no doubt he is a smart man but the guy scares me and as a face for a company that I am supposed to trust with my business, I think that a simple logo would be far more reassuring. I think if I worked for him, I would have the old resume spic and span too.

Comment Re:This isn't helping. (Score 1) 369

Straight up. No matter what happens musicians will still make music and find ways to get it into people ears. And besides, If the music industry did collapse at least society would no longer have to contend with the corporate creations the likes of Bieber et. al., slowly and steadily making everyone beat-numb and grinding them into musical illiteracy. Most of the crap they are crying about a human with ears left wouldn't even pirate in the first place, let alone buy.

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