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Comment Prior Art? (Score 3, Interesting) 98

If the Twin Peaks patent is on GPL-violating code, then that would seem to me (IANAL) to be a clear and direct example of prior art. You'd have a case of an entity stealing work, then patenting it, and then attacking the people they stole from. That could be an incredibly embarassing thing for Twin Peaks. OTOH, if the GPL infringement is on unrelated code, then I would imagine that there could be seperate verdicts that each could be found guilty on. The question there would be: Are the damages comparable enough to force a settlement?

Comment First step, don't look for "passion." (Score 3, Insightful) 454

Religiosity in Operating Systems is a character flaw, not a strength. Clearly this is going to be a hard concept for you to work your head around because you yourself are evangelical about UNIX. If you find somebody who is evangelical about Windiows, you're basically asking for interpersonal conflict as this engineer with "passion" for Windows is going to feel outnumbered and isolated if your whole team uses emotional language like you do.

What you' are REALLY looking for are skills and atrributes that are OS-agnostic while still demonstrating serious practical experience with Microsoft server products:

  • Does your candidate demonstrate an analytical, problem solving mindset?
  • Does your candidate show the ability to play nicely with others?
  • Does your candidate demonstrate a sense of personal accountability for the work that they do?

If you don't feel comfortable saying "yes" to all the above questions, then all the nuts and bolts technical stuff means nothing. Once these fundamental questions have been answered, there are some specific technical avenues to explore with your future Windows sysadmin:

  • Ask them how familiar they are with Powershell, and see if they can cite examples of where they used Powershell to create a technical solution or make their jobs easier through automation.
  • Ask them if they have ever worked to integrate Active Directory with other LDAP sources

There are a bunch of technical questions you probably need to ask that I can't possibly suggest to you, because I don't know the details of your envirionment. But these two are mandatory. Powershell is a scripting language developed to handle all kinds of administrative and automation needs for a system administrator, and it was written by two UNIX guys. If your future Windows admin understands and appreciates Powershell, they not only have a skillset that is going to be demonstratably useful in the future, they will be more likely to "think like a UNIX guy" than someone who went to an MSCE puppy mill. The AD/LDAP integration question is the one thing I know about your environment. If you're going to operate UNIX and Windows servers in the same ecossytem, some level of integration is inevitable and making sure the guy on the Windows end has the technical chops is essential.

Comment Random binary distribution FTW! (Score 2) 261

51%? So what this tells me is that a majority of respondents didn't understand enough to care, or didn't care enough to understand and provided random answers. This is what happens when you take squishy social science methodologies and put them in the hands of even squishier marketing consultancies. Just bend the scientific method over and shove a white paper up it's ass.

Comment Re:The most efficient car is a city (Score 1) 1184

You're right about this:

Policy makers should focus on making development more walkable.

You're wrong about this:

He's got the wrong target.

The walkability of any community is primarily a function of municipal governments at the city/county level, as well as neighborhood boards, zoning comissions, and the like. I think the last thing anybody on the right OR the left wants is to filter local decisions like this through a federal bureacracy.

There is an inflection point between the two, and that is when those local entities request federal transportation dollars to be used for multimodal projects rather than just highway expansion. So a fair response to your concern would be to look at this administration and ask whether or not they have been willing to approve more innovative use of those tax dollars than just widening roads. Unfortunately, I don't know the answer to that question, as IANACP (I Am Not A Civil Planner).

Comment Alan Dean Foster (Score 5, Informative) 1130

Foster has single-handedly committed all the cardinal sins that Serious SF Authors(tm) must never do:

Movie/TV spin-off novels? Check (See: Splinter of the Mind's Eye).
Crossing over into Fantasy? Check (See: Spellsinger).
Dabbling with humor? Check (Spellsinger, Glory Lane, etc.).
Indulging a disrespected fringe group? Check. (Furries man. See Spellsinger (again!), Quozl, the Icerigger trilogy).

If there is a scale that measures prolific hackery, with Peirs Anthony on the bottom and Stephen King on the top, I would put Foster far, far closer to King. Glory Lane, To the Vanishing Point, and Into the Out Of are all truly excellent reads. They're not life changers, they're just damn good. He's got a fine roster of clever and poigniant short stories. For old school geeks, the most notable of which is "Why Johnny Can't Speed" which has been cited as direct inspiration for the classic Steve Jackson game Car Wars.

And hey, without Car Wars, SJ Games might never have been successful enough to launch GURPS. Without GURPS, there would be no GURPS Cyberpunk, no Secret Service raid on SJ Games in 1991, and maybe no Electronic Frontier Foundation either. How's that for underrated?

Comment Fight noise with more signal. (Score 1) 575

If educators are getting their panties in a bunch over what some ex-hedge manager is doing on Youtube, then can I kindly suggest... THAT THEY DO SOMETHING ON YOUTUBE!?!?!?!?!? I have a tremendous amount of respect for individual educators but little respect for the K-12 establishment. If you're a teacher and the best thing you can think to do with your time is tear down what you perceive as underqualified competition, then I have no time for you. If you want me to check out your Youtube video, call me. I got a couple 14yr olds who are about to run headlong into Algebra this fall If you can hold their attention better than Kahn can, I'll be right there pimping your stuff on "teh interwebs."

Comment This is great news! (Score 1) 398

The land in this transaction has been privately owned by colonial graybeard corporations that have had a long history in the islands. It's not something residents dwell on much because that relationship is entrenched in the culture and hsitory of the islands.

Now that this property is being transferred to a nouveau carpetbagging haole, there's a great opportunity for all kinds of stupid local political drama. Do not expect this to sail through the PUC approval easily.

Hawai'i state govt. + soveriegnty agitators + IT's most notorious arrogant bully = first class entertainment.

Comment Hell, meet snowball. (Score 1) 224

Commenters above have demonstrated clearly why this should not be regarded as a sudden dawning of divine light on the brows of Comcast executives. Yet I still hold out a little bit of hope here. IANAL, but if YOU are, can you tell us whether Comcast (and Verizon) putting forth defenses like that can help establish precedents to be used in cases involving other parties? Are we getting any fresh ammunition out of this?

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