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Comment Re:I hate any system where you can buy "points" (Score 1) 190

In the end, I will buy my games in the local shop, and then transfer them to Steam.

I doubt your local shop sells you virtual TF2 hats. Since that's all you use virtual currency in steam for, the actual games you buy with real money just like before. Besides, you can't transfer most retail games to Steam unless they're Valve's own games (+ a small list of exceptions that allow it)

Comment Re:I hate any system where you can buy "points" (Score 0) 190

Do you mean pushing back the money? Bank accounts, sure. Credit cards, I guess most work. Point cards, no.

But because of anti-laundering laws, you cannot allow customers just decide where they want to send it. It will create huge problem with money launderers, credit card theft and other related things. People already do it in poker tables and they try to have sophisticated systems to prevent it. Someone loads money to an account (with stolen credit card or other illegal funds) and loses it in table other player who then withdraws it. Only reason they have to lose it first if because they also cannot just directly transfer it elsewhere or it will trigger fraud alerts.

And since there really is no harm done for MS, Sony or Nintendo to just leave the few dollars sitting in the accounts, I'm not sure they want to get into all of that.

Comment Re:yeah okay (Score 3, Insightful) 235

That's why it's inevitable that everything will soon be moved to cheaper countries. That's why US is fighting so hard to get strict copyrights all over the world now, because entertainment is basically the only thing US still has major lead in. But growing amount of people are starting to understand there might be better entertainment than the bubblegum hollywood stuff. The giant is falling and trying to fight back off its inevitable end.

Comment Re:Redirects (Score 2) 216

Even if they go via the referrer still shows them coming from Twitter.

It's a stupid comparison anyway, people go to Drudge to read news (I guess, I've never used it before) and Twitter isn't the same. Also Drudge only contains links to news sites, so there isn't anything else to click on anyway.

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