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Comment Re:It's not 3D (Score 1) 457

A "true 3D" stage would be no better. If the stage showed the same perspective to every viewer, the director could still present unified artistic cinematography. Without that, your position in the audience matters a lot, which is antithetical to the experience.

Showing this unified perspective, scale is constantly changed (the movie will zoom/tilt/pan as necessary), so a stage that has micro/macro shifts will be somewhat jarring. The blur of foreground/background linked to parallax would need to stay the same to avoid headaches, but this would give the audience a unified scaling issue, as every displayed shot would be within the same range. Imagine an ocean scene, then zooming in on a shrimp (oh no, it's GIANT) and then zooming out (look, a TINY shark). I think the current forced perspective of 3D is phony enough to disrupt this linkage - and gives us the headaches.

Help Us Obi Wan.

Comment Re:Never heard of him (Score 1) 910

You should probably read up on his views of exactly this topic. Here's a clue: His death [didn't] make any of our invented gods magically more real to him.

Keep in mind that his intellect wasn't limited to a single-generational, Judeo-Christian, Western-only perspective, like most people posting about him today. He wasn't easy to agree with on all topics, but you'd best not treat his writings like that of a typical TV commentator. It was much more considered.

Comment Re:What a Mess (Score 1) 300

Don't forget just using digital music to reproduce non-digitally

- performing commercial music with a backing track from the original and charging for it
- charging to go on a camping trip, and during that time singing along wearing earbuds some commercial music.
- host a party, acting out in front of a movie screen showing a commercial movie, having charged for tickets to the party.
- paying to place my car in a parking lot, but playing a CD to others. someone records a video of it and sells it, with the audio included

Comment Re:This is plain stupid (Score 1) 300

The RIAA doesn't exist simply because of wishing.. Artists themselves pay and support them to help keep channels of content monetized - it's their livelihood. I understand that artists may have newer ideas about distribution, but so far new channels are considered off-limits until thoroughly examined. This new method is simply too new for them to accept, IMO.

Your sweeping suggestion implies that content should be free. That may or may not be true, but building a career in making the content could be vastly more difficult.

Comment Re:HBO "Superheroes" documentary on these guys (Score 1) 590

The Specials (not the yellow bus type) - full body amour, full powers, part timers, normally attend Friday and Saturday night pissed up punch-ups and football matches. Hated because they do it for free - it's all about gaining power and gold stars.

Community Service Officers - no power, only report crimes. Jumped up little Hitlers. The next step up from a traffic warden. Useless waste of money as they get paid a wage.

Sounds like both groups provide no value to society in your eyes. I wonder if you can rephrase your comment from their perspective.

Comment Re:More mod options (Score 1) 763

"-1 Citation Needed" seems like you're trying to turn the moderation into a measure of truth. It's not. It's a measure of the interest/insight/humor/flamebait to the mods that day.

We don't need mods to become another comment system. Let the comments flow, but keep the mod buckets narrow.

If you only get 6 mods, which would you choose?

Comment Re:Lack of vision (Score 1) 763

Actually, be neither. I want /. to be transparent. I would like the editors to pick up from the firehose, expand/research/decline stories and then post them without editorial bias.

I would dislike any strong appearance of a "personality" to /. We chew on the news, that's it.

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"It says he made us all to be just like him. So if we're dumb, then god is dumb, and maybe even a little ugly on the side." -- Frank Zappa
