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Comment More slashcrap (Score 5, Interesting) 65

I'm spanish. I'm truly sick of the fearmongering this sorry excuse for a technology website keeps spewing. In this particular case the summary is wrong and retarded, the 'articles' it cites are retarded and there's nothing to see here. The Sinde law will not be 'implemented', there is no such thing as 'implementing' a law. This is only ridiculous. Maybe it makes some sense to information-deprived shit-overloaded US-centric morons who read this website and go ZOMG the sky, it is fellings, it's the end I tell ya!

There has been a change of government in Spain. The incoming idiots want to make a statement. That is all. There have been tens of lawsuits where the only websites closed where the ones who profited, if only by having google ads, from their pages. And the closed sprout again with same content under a different name, with no ads, in a couple of hours, case closed. If there are no ads the page is considered not for profit and spanish courts have never considered P2P any more illegal than lending a magazine. I wish the fucking stupidity about this would go away. But I digress.

In Spain there is still due process for everything. We don't have a MAFIAA, we have a smallish group of whiny artsy retards who get 50% of the budget of any 'spanish' (read ingrown, incestuous, embarrasing shit that should never cross our borders) movie from our taxes. One of the linked articles say that Spain has 'emerged' as a 'safe-haven' for 'piracy'. It didn't emerge, the legal standing of lending things you own has always been the same and it was legal to copy a Phillips Cassette in the 50s and it's legal to make a torrent of a movie today if you own it. What was punishable by death was to use Fe-grade cassettes. But still. Spain is also not a 'safe-haven' for piracy, but same story: we have rights across Europe and we like it that way. Where is The Pirate Bay hosted? Several places now. Has it been closed? Not that I know, just as not one of the small pages in Spain will not be closed as long as they steer clear of making any profit off sharing.

The natural state of the art industry (an oxymoron in itself) is small, very small. Prices are too high for the crap that's selling and it's okay, only kids (or underdeveloped adults) with too much money on their hands buy said crap. I myself stick to music that was written some centuries ago. Yesterday I had some silly fun out of IBNIZ, give it a try, with a week of practice anyone capable of understanding some assembler concepts like stacks and basic bit wrangling can churn a trance track every 4 hours.

Comment More slashcrap (Score -1) 78

I'm spanish. I'm truly sick of the fearmongering this sorry excuse for a technology website keeps spewing. In this particular case the summary is wrong and retarded, the 'articles' it cites are retarded and there's nothing to see here. The Sinde law will not be 'implemented', there is no such thing as 'implementing' a law. This is only ridiculous. Maybe it makes some sense to information-deprived shit-overloaded US-centric morons who read this website and go ZOMG the sky, it is fellings, it's the end I tell ya!

There has been a change of government in Spain. The incoming idiots want to make a statement. That is all. There have been tens of lawsuits where the only websites closed where the ones who profited, if only by having google ads, from their pages. And the closed sprout again with same content under a different name, with no ads, in a couple of hours, case closed. If there are no ads the page is considered not for profit and spanish courts have never considered P2P any more illegal than lending a magazine. I wish the fucking stupidity about this would go away. But I digress.

In Spain there is still due process for everything. We don't have a MAFIAA, we have a smallish group of whiny artsy retards who get 50% of the budget of any 'spanish' (read ingrown, incestuous, embarrasing shit that should never cross our borders) movie from our taxes. One of the linked articles say that Spain has 'emerged' as a 'safe-haven' for 'piracy'. It didn't emerge, the legal standing of lending things you own has always been the same and it was legal to copy a Phillips Cassette in the 50s and it's legal to make a torrent of a movie today if you own it. What was punishable by death was to use Fe-grade cassettes. But still. Spain is also not a 'safe-haven' for piracy, but same story: we have rights across Europe and we like it that way. Where is The Pirate Bay hosted? Several places now. Has it been closed? Not that I know, just as not one of the small pages in Spain will not be closed as long as they steer clear of making any profit off sharing.

The natural state of the art industry (an oxymoron in itself) is small, very small. Prices are too high for the crap that's selling and it's okay, only kids (or underdeveloped adults) with too much money on their hands buy said crap. I myself stick to music that was written some centuries ago. Yesterday I had some silly fun out of IBNIZ, give it a try, with a week of practice anyone capable of understanding some assembler concepts like stacks and basic bit wrangling can churn a trance track every 4 hours.

Comment Re:Biographies of important scientists (Score 0) 647

I second this. The non-scientific output of these persons is usually breathtaking. Don't forget Einstein's "The world as I see it" and other writings by him. Also, if I can get my hands on letters by notable people, usually addressed to other scientists or philosophers, it's one of my deepest pleasures, seeing the man behind some tall figure.

For fiction I won't get into the SciFi/Fantasy dichotomy but will just mention Bradbury and Ursula Le Guin, two contemporary geniuses. PKD + Heinlein + Frank Herbert %LESSTHAN% Ursula because I like her wonderfully adventurous and coherent stories and human portraits better than the more plain, space-opera-y setups, which brings me to the best: Dostoievsky, Tolstoi, who didn't experiment like Ursula but went higher in portraying the human soul in humble letters. True artists, I think.

Philosophy: Everything. Currently I'm in love with Schopenhauer.

I have never looked into the middle ages and don't know whether there's much to look at. I get horribly bored by religious slant of the time.

The past is full of marvels, from Aristotle: Ethics, Rhetoric, wonderfully naive and full of nice wisdom, onwards.

For quick breaths of fresh air, just google any scientist or philosopher's quotes. Kierkegaard, Feynman, the list is enormous. I usually do this at the office. I am then reassured of the good in the human species.

Comment Re:Is this a problem? (Score 0) 124

> a smaller buffer introduces less latency than a large one

> a smaller RETARDED buffer introduces less latency than a largeR one



How about abandoning this sorry state of scare reporting and taking a scientific view for once? You know, like, measuring things? Where does the problem happen? Under what circumstances? Test your assumptions, be honest? Oh, I know, screw that, this is IT, we run around in flames and then order something from Cisco. Protip: retards don't run core routers and queue management and traffic control are these new things now, but don't just tell anyone, only l33t h4x0rs now about them.

tldr: shut up.

somewhat 4channing b/c this rubbish deserves it.

Comment Re:Hello (Score 0) 276

You were modded flamebait and might as well have been 'sheeple'. Trust your leadr, you say? Sheesh, when will you grow up.

There is at least another option: that law enforcement is transparent. It works very well in northern Europe.

And I don't want to hear your feeble excuse for staying sheepish while repeating to yourself that it's for your own good: national security. Ah, that could be invoked once in a year realistically but every week? You might want to connect up your brain if you still can do that.

Your options reek of 'just don't bother me with philosophy as long as the cops catch the bad guys'. A mature society is more complicated than what you want to think to feel good but it's the only way out of the deadlock of stupidity and irresponsibility. And then there are still problems. How does that make you feel?

Comment Re:But what about hardcopy? (Score 0) 124

That 'something' is control. At the risk of sounding RMS-ish I remind you that there are ways to make your computer do exactly what you want. I feel perfectly comfortable leaving a PDF open for weeks, whether it's Sartre's 'Nausea' or 'Samba by Example'; they stay where they are while I do other things, and they are there when I want to start reading again and they will close when I click the close button. It takes preparation, a correct mindset, UPSes, the correct OS, good practices and some discipline but the computer can be made a critical resource and not a shaky thing where you only perform a fraction of the work you could do because your mind is fearing interruptions from takes-your-freedom-away-OSes, popups, stupid questions about optimizing shit, timeouts and multiple other annoyances. When there are no external annoyances and you have freedom to really dedicate time to one thing the mind appreciates it and works much better than before.

Comment Re:Evolution can be a good thing (Score 0) 124

Awww but good news, sir! We already have that technology! It's called 'web pages'

I hope you enjoy rainbow colored separators... in your books. This time, they are animated and sponsored.

'Content engineer' at B&N: Wait! I'm having another idea, I'm full of ideas today, does the Kindle 2015 UltraFire Kitty Edition play MIDI? (checks checks) Yess! Christmas bonus secured...


Comment Re:So Make Your Own Damn Twitter (Score 0) 132

First post is rated 5 insightful and parent is at 4 insightful. Many more comments share the same view of 'bend down and take it like a grown up woman'. Does that phrase ring any bells? From two weeks ago? From the deranged mother yelling at her daughter to take the judge's sadistic beating 'like a grown up woman'?

Many north americans are so fucked up in the head that when someone speaks about people's rights they automatically feel the yank in the corporate chain and jump up to yell 'right? what rights? (north american corporation) has rights too!!'

It's sad when a society founded on fighting oppression gets infinitely more of what it was (or so it thought) ready to leave behind. North americans are censoring themselves so effectively that what I see in this story makes me feel like reading 1984. When I read the english that people devoted to truth use (take as an obvious example scientists like Einstein and Feynman, their private letters of their professional output), compared to the abysmal excuse for a language I see on TV, websites and elsewhere including here, the tortured convolutions people want to pass for truth or fact, the petty arguments, the banality, I think of the exact relationship between language and thought, and can only conclude that there's only shit inside many people's heads. You can say, like any junkie, that you can quit it any time, but it has become second nature. I see time and again that north americans cannot react anymore than fucked-up people in South America or Africa, used as you have become, to the corporate shafting and erosion of your rights. A quote from Kierkegaard says that people die to defend so-called freedom of speech while willingly forgoing freedom of thought. Again the close link between speech and thought.

That's a sad state when you could aspire to a better world and have lived in the time of such giants as the ones mentioned, and many more. Only humans, yes, they also had to wipe their ass when going to the bathroom, but they strived for more than you, that's for sure.

When someone speaks a sane idea, like the Icelandic MP, you corporate rats should hide and try to reflect on what you have made of your lives.

Comment Only retards would choose Mono or .NET (Score 0) 255

It's amazing to me that so many idiots (tech-savvy idiots, that is) went to support this insanity. dotCRAP is the Java Microsoft could not have but they still pushed it with all of their might exactly the way a spoiled child wants something even when it doesn't make sense anymore. Now they can trash all of that and wait for their Ma$ter to devise a new idiocy to work on.

Mono has its uses after all: it keeps idiots off relevant FOSS projects.

Comment Gotta do something (Score 0) 508

I'm tired of my house being robbed but I want to leave my keys in the lock. We have to do something.
I'm tired of kids driving my car but I want to leave the windows down and the keys in the ignition. We have to do something.
I'm tired of my doctor misdiagnosing me but I refuse to know anything about my body, I refuse to eat healthily, I don't like to exercise. I drink and smoke like there's no tomorrow. We have to do something.
I'm tired of politicians stealing money and behaving irresponsibly but I refuse to learn law, know what's going on, build a community and exercise sovereignity. We have to do something.
I'm tired of everyone being a shallow idiot but I enjoy watching shows about people stupider than me, I'm in love with my iDevice and refuse to pay attention for more than 10 seconds. We have to do something.
I'm tired of thinking that we have to do something. We have to do something.

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