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Comment Re:EU law trumps National law? (Score 2) 157

Our governments simply try to copy the United States of America: 27 states under one single authority. Replace our EU comissioners by your lobbyists, and it's pretty much the same... They see USA as a model of perfect organization to develop and maintain the richest on top, and since we pay far too much our politicians, they're the one who want that kind of EU.
Operating Systems

Submission + - Windows 7 is now the Most Popular Desktop Operating System (

hypnosec writes: Windows 7 has managed to dethrone Windows XP as the world’s most popular desktop OS with a market share of 42.76%. August saw Windows 7 take a fractional lead of 0.24 per cent points over Windows XP which managed to garner a 42.52% market share. Windows 7 has managed to gain nearly 1% of market share month-on-month basis last year whereas Windows XP saw a similar decline in its share.

Comment Re:Seriously... (Score 1) 284

uh... I've read the 2 documents, and couldn't find a reference about taxing the data... It looks more like a declaration of good intentions about intercommunication between telecom companies... more like a QA procedure... someone must have smoked something while writing TFA. I 'll sleep correctly tonight, I'm not going to pay anything more because I host my own services at home. just plain shit. or, is it bull shit ?

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