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Comment MMO's are rentals (Score 1) 109

I like MMOs, but I'm well aware that I'm just renting a game. I also played CoH, and it was fun for a couple years. I think it just got too old compared to newer games. In any case, I'm glad I played it. I kinda feel bad for those who have been playing the full 8 years and are heavily invested in their characters. Then again, this is a bit of a reality check.

Submission + - Sabotaging the Workplace CIA style (cia.gov)

clam666 writes: The 1944 Strategic Services Field Manual is declassified by the CIA, with its intent being to show how to teach saboteurs how to disrupt the enemy. The goal being do cause as much disruption as possible.

Around page 28 it gives gems for management and empployee sabotage including "Insist on doing everything through
'channels.' Never permit short-cuts to be taken
in order to expedite decisions.", "When training new workers, give incomplete
or misleading instructions.", "If possible, join or help organize a group
for presenting employee problems to the management.
See that the procedures adopted are
as inconvenient as possible for the management,
involving the presence of a large number of
employees at each presentation, entailing more
than one meeting for each grievance, bringing
up problems which are largely imaginary, and
so on.", and my favorite, "Act stupid."

It seems like where I work the used this as the basis of the employee handbook.

Comment Re:Idiotic (Score 2) 671

I plan on sticking with Win7. The point you are missing is that many people LIKE the standard Windows set-up. We don't see a reason for it to change, especially just to pander to a small segment of the market (tablets). Guess what, tablets are great for watching YouTube and updating Facebook, and suck for just about anything else. Microsoft has remained dominant because it takes care of corporate customers. The new UI is going to mess this up for them. I suspect a few months after release, a number of managers are going to be fired and the UI will at least have the option of the Win7 style, if it isn't just changed to it outright.

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