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Comment Re:Radioactive releases Could Last Months (Score 1) 691

I applaud this explanation, though I would like add a slight detail. Another huge complication at Chernobyl was the presence of graphite, which is flammable and sent radioactive smoke into the upper atmosphere. Now, no reactors use graphite as a moderator anymore. It is certainly not present at Fukushima.

Comment Re:Radioactive releases Could Last Months (Score 1) 691

I have trouble trusting this article at all. For one thing, it says it cannot be confirmed if any of the reactors use MOX fuel. Um....they've been saying that reactor 3 uses MOX fuel for days now. Where has the Times been? Other than that it is generally vague about a timeline or any evidence that it "could last for months."

Comment Re:Journalism (Score 1) 691

Yes, there is rationing, though it was largely avoided today due to conserving efforts by train operators and large companies. 7 prefectures have been divided into 5 groups, which rotate among 3 hour power outages as needed. Today only group number 5 (5 - 7 pm) was needed. They are planning it again tomorrow, though. Since the trains are set to expand a bit, I assume that they will need to implement more of those outages.

Comment Explosion (Score 3, Informative) 752

According to this Japanese article, TEPCO (the power company that runs the reactor) reports that at about 3:30 pm local time (1 hour 40 minutes ago) an explosion was heard and white smoke could be seen coming from the number 1 reactor. A few workers have been reported to be injured. :( http://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20110312/t10014627881000.html

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