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Comment Re:Life Adapts (Score 1) 745

Actually, I was trying to make a reference to the video game Mass Effect, but I think it ended up sounding better in my head. If you haven't/don't want to play the game, *SPOILER ALERT* it is revealed as the story progresses that whenever the sentient races in the galaxy reach a certain technological level sentient machine-ships (who spend the rest of the time in hibernation outside the galaxy) sweep through and destroy all intelligent life in the galaxy. The reasons for doing this were not revealed; at one point you get the chance to speak to one of these machines, and it claims we would not be capable of understanding why even if wanted to tell you.

By the "first part", I mean I've only finished the first entry of the trilogy and don't know what happens in the second or the yet-to-be-released third game. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess the situation becomes increasingly dire as the stakes rise to epic levels, until at the last minute when all seems lost our Main Characters consisting of a ragtag group of humans and aliens emerge victorious in some sort of final battle/mission where the odds are against success a thousand to one, yet we miraculously win anyways because we can't make more sequels if everyone's dead.

Comment Re:TV ain't broken? (Score 1) 839

That almost sounds like Netflix. Almost, because half the time the show I'm looking for isn't on streaming, and they don't have currently-airing stuff. It does have Star Trek though, at least if you're in the US. I agree with you though, I have no interest in cable anymore. Between Netflix and Hulu, I have 90% of everything I'm interested in, and I have bittorrent for the rest.

There's also the networks' web sites for things not on Hulu, but I refuse to watch TV on them, because they pretty much universally suck. Go ahead, try to watch something on CBS's web site - set it to fullscreen, maybe plug the computer in to the TV. You'll get maybe 5-10 minutes until the first commercial, at which point you start cursing the trained monkeys they have coding the player; it dumps you out of fullscreen, takes over your entire browser with an annoying, intrusive ad, and then doesn't return you to fullscreen. Yes, if you're sitting on your couch watching this on your TV, you'll have to get up every 10 minutes to click a button so you don't have to watch the show in a tiny box on your screen. And all this assumes you can even find the show, or that the current episode is available (online access is delayed several days to give everyone time to pirate it instead, if they even make it available online), or that you can watch it without having to stop and buffer every few minutes.

CBS is an especially bad example of how to build a website, but they're all pretty bad. It's like all the networks think the internet is some passing fad and if they ignore it hard enough it will go away. I use legit sources when I can, but when said source comes just short of kicking me in the crotch for trying to watch something on it, I'll take a nice, friendly .mp4 file instead.

Comment Re:PCI (Score 1) 517

Now, every day, you're going to get every script kiddie in the internet trying to poke holes in your network.

Uh, how is this different from our current reality? Do you think nobody probes Google's or PayPal's servers, because they might get in trouble? And I don't recall parent saying it should be legal to steal the information, just that people behave unreasonably when you point out a gaping security hole.

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