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Scientists Say a Dirty Child Is a Healthy Child 331

Researchers from the School of Medicine at the University of California have shown that the more germs a child is exposed to, the better their immune system in later life. Their study found that keeping a child's skin too clean impaired the skin's ability to heal itself. From the article: "'These germs are actually good for us,' said Professor Richard Gallo, who led the research. Common bacterial species, known as staphylococci, which can cause inflammation when under the skin, are 'good bacteria' when on the surface, where they can reduce inflammation."

Comment ABC/CBS/NBC/AP/etc.,etc. (Score -1, Troll) 1172

ABC/CBS/NBC/AP/etc.,etc. traffic in lies, propaganda and demagoguery much worse than Fox News. As a matter of fact the mainstream media (or lamestream media as it should rightly be called) are just mouth pieces for the Liberals. They make up things such as the CBS Bush documents which were made with MS Word. They report false hoods and call them truth. They report only half of the facts and then turn the article into an editorial for their blatantly pro-Leftist views. Oh, and they think they are smarter than the majority of idiots that post to /.

So for all of you truthers, Socialist, and others who inhabit /. -- GET STUFFED!!

Comment Re:Any good news lately? (Score 1) 289

As one poster to this comment noted, if it isn't copyrighted in your jurisdiction then singing "Happy Birthday" is fine. In much of the English speaking world it has gone out of copyright. Only in the US where its copyright was forced by a court against evidence to the contrary (there are strong indications that the tune and lyrics existed independently and as a song long before the copyright was granted)and essentially extended indefinitly is it against copyright law if done for money.

You are wrong on loaning or giving a book to a friend. Once you purchase a book you are free to do with it as you please other than copying it. You can loan it; you can give it away; you can sell it. All of that is legal.

In some of your statements you try to turn copyright into patent. Not so!

You are spreading FUD on copyright. Are you astroturfing?

Comment Re:Tax Evasion? -- FOSS and Imputed Income (Score 1) 293

This has been done in the past and there are people who would like to try this again. Imputed income is money that you never saw but they claim that you received the benefit of. To give an example, there was an attempt in the early 1990's by the US Congress to chrage people for imputed income on their mortgages. If the taxing authority (IRS) determined that your house payment was less than what the going rate for rent in your neighborhood was, they imputed that the difference was income on which you would be taxed. To put numbers to this, if you have $1000 a month house payments and houses in your area lease for $1500 a month you have an imputed income of $500 a month. At the end of the year they tag an additional, imaginary $6000 on your annual income on which they want real money paid for taxes. This idea could be applied to sales/use taxes for goods received.

Now move this to software. If the MSRP of MS Office is $600 (I don't have an exact number) then you are imputed to have earned $600 if you download OpenOffice. Therefore you own sales tax on $600 dollars even though you didn't pay any money. That would be about $50 here in Texas that you owe.

They can dream up about any way to gain tax revenue.

Comment Re:Okay, so SCO can appeal (Score 1) 152

The procedural error in The SCO Group's view is that they were not allowed a jury trial. They have thrown a bunch of other stuff into the application for appeal but that is their main point. If the appeals court overturns Judge Kimballs final rulings and any preliminary rulings it would go back to his court for a jury trial. I don't know if Darl McBride and company are slick enough con-men to pull off fooling a jury but they might. Even in a civil trial, I believe that hersay evidence is inadmissable.


Submission + - SCO receives official delisting notice from Nasdaq

fifteencattleprods writes: "On the tail of two stories regarding possible delisting of SCO stock (reported on slashdot here, and here), today is the day the delisting process has started. Straight from SCO's own press release site, they have received their delisting notice from Nasdaq. While this doesn't mean their stock will be delisted immediately, it does mean they've come under notice by Nasdaq, and must fix their problems within 180 days, before October 22, 2007. If they don't get their stock above $1 per share for ten consecutive days between now and then, they're toast."

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One of the chief duties of the mathematician in acting as an advisor... is to discourage... from expecting too much from mathematics. -- N. Wiener
