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Comment Wait, what?? (Score 1) 189

How does someone obtain 70 million Yahoo passwords, and the associated demographic information?

On average, Bonneau found that user-chosen passwords offer less than 10 bits of security against online attacks, meaning it would only take around 1000 attempts to try every possible password

A 3-letter password would require up to 17,576 attempts, and a 4-digit pin would require up to 10,000. So I don't know what kind of passwords these people are using.

Comment Not really fixable (Score 1) 544

I don't think it's more of a problem on Wikipedia than anywhere else on the Internet. First, they should require that people sign in before editing. The problem with a filter is that it would be difficult to prevent kids from opting out. Even on YouTube, all you have to do is click a button agreeing that you're at least 18.

Comment Re:If my work inbox is any indication... (Score 1) 314

Spam is inevitable when you let anyone in the world email you. So is phishing.

Yes, the SMTP protocol is probably less than ideal. And yes, there is no perfect email client that I know of. But before we can replace it, we have to come up with a system that's truly better for everyone, and similar enough that there can be a transparent gateway from the old system to the new one.

Comment Yes (Score 1) 213

This is not a cloud-based world. It's a device-based world, with the cloud as a big component. So yes, Windows 8 will do fine as long as Microsoft doesn't screw it up too much. Even better if it does well on both a PC and a mobile device.

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