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Comment Re:The bad news (Score 2) 75

"The bad news: Harvard is patenting everything and wants to commercialize it on a proprietary basis." So tired of this. I get it, but I'm tired of it.

I don't think the poster meant that patenting and commercializing is inherently evil; I think he meant that he wouldn't be able to download it for free and use it himself for fun.

Comment Re:Congratulations for being the 56th female visit (Score 1) 229

It occurred to me that it ought to be in the economic interests of any space agency to push for an astronaut core PRIMARILY made up of women.

They are (on average) smaller, lighter, and eat less, all advantages in an industry where every ounce of extra weight can cost hundreds of dollars.

In the early days of space flight, astronauts were converted test pilots who were all male due to military recruiting rules, which have now changed.

They are equal, if not better, to their male counterparts when it comes to mathematical and scientific ability, and we have finally reached a point where culture has stopped telling them otherwise.

And without a doubt, it would be a public relations coup for the first agency to send up an all-female crew into space.

Comment At the risk of sounding elitist... (Score 1, Insightful) 141

..."building an app graphically" is to "learning programming" what "using a calculator" is to "learning math." You've replaced an actual understanding of the underlying process with a bunch of buttons to be punched.

It's only still "programming" if you have the knowledge to do it without the tools, but not the time.

Comment Re:Easy to infringe, hard to fix (Score 1) 286

If it's so easy to upload an image, shouldn't there be a responsibility to make it just as easy to take one down?

That can generate just as many complaints. Recently, George Takei's Facebook page put up a funny photo which nevertheless contained a picture of an old man's naked butt. Complaints were made to Facebook, and Facebook immediately deleted the image. Not blocked, not hid -- deleted. Takei complained that it should be policy for Facebook to hold the image out-of-sight somewhere until a defense can be made by the one who posted it.

Admins can make it easy to remove stuff, or hard to remove stuff, but anything in between requires a lot of moderation which most admins are too easily bored by.

Comment Re:I don't get it (Score 2) 159

Why are you looking at nationality? What are you trying to prove? Is this the 1936 Summer Olympics?

Obviously, if one nation has a substantially higher proportion of winners in a competition like this, it suggests there's something in the national culture that encourages it. Other nations would like to know what that is. It's not pride, it's post-game analysis.

Comment Re:Hard to feel bad for them (Score 1) 687

I'm honestly surprised that even guys generally don't see anything wrong with it (as evidenced by the fact that the usage of "booth babes" is ubiquitous at such events).

Just because the men in the companies' marketing department don't see anything wrong with it, doesn't mean that other men don't see anything wrong with it. Please don't make the same mistake they do by painting an entire gender with a single broad brush.

Comment Re:If you're subscribed to him.. (Score 1) 335

Same deal with the perceived need to have kids. Gotta get those buns in the oven, you know. How many times have you seen mummy's little girl pushing along a wee toy pram with a wee baby doll in it? Who brought that damned and damning prop into the kid's life?

Looks like tradition (in its worst guise) and familial pressure to me.

Don't be silly. Little girls like to imitate their moms, and little boys like to imitate their dads. In this case, if the little girl is watching her mom raise ANOTHER little baby (gasp, parents having multiple children! In this day and age!), then she'll probably want to imitate her.

It's also learned from culture and TV, of course. But don't underestimate the simple and powerful influence of a caretaking parent.

Comment Re:If you're subscribed to him.. (Score 1) 335

they've already been together for 9 years, far longer than average "marriage" (a legal term for a license). Mark already could have had any woman he wanted, and he continues to choose Priscilla.

Which reminds me: do you think he married her right after the IPO because he wanted to give all his attention to her on the honeymoon, or because he wanted to lock in his wealth before the prenup took effect?


Submission + - How NASA and SpaceX get along together (npr.org)

mblase writes: SpaceX and NASA have been working hard to make this weekend's launch happen--and that has meant navigating the cultural differences between this small, young startup and the huge veteran space agency. The relationship involves daily calls and emails between people who live in two different worlds: age versus youth, bureaucracy versus a flat startup-like structure, and a sense of caution versus a desire to move forward quickly. But they both have an almost religious belief in the need for humans to venture forth into space, a geeky love for rockets, technical know-how--plus, they both need each other to succeed.

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