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User Journal

Journal Journal: Looking for Galen's De Temperamentis in English (8)

The Cambridge volume has been released. A bit expensive, so i will either have to wait for the price to come down or to borrow it from a library that may have it.

I started this search on 9/10/13, and now it ends about 5.5 years later. Time passes and things happen, i guess.

Comment Re:So, you going to volunteer for the Librivox rea (Score 1) 2


The next step is to read it via google translate, which does not look very promising. With the Cambridge book due to come out soon, and coming from the original Greek (as opposed to the the Latin translation), i may try to get a copy of that, if i could somehow afford it. I'll probably try to borrow it from the library, if available.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Verbiage: Hierarchical vs Top-Down forums 3

I've been hanging out on reddit, all while hating it. I've known for years it was a cesspool and avoided it, until eventually TIL pulled me in. I have noone to blame but myself.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Silliness: Version .10 2

So, i'm trying to learn graphql-php, which is really hard to do when you cannot find any good documentation. Everyone seems more interested in explaining how it is better that REST than to explain what it actually is. And (some of) the tutorials don't really work, probably because they expect you do know some things already, and they just want to explain "how to do it here". But i digress.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Verbiage/Ad: Linode $20 credit 4

I guess this is an ad of sort, but i wanted to share. I have been using Linode for some years and am quite happy with them. Basically, its virtual root with a decent UI and support team. They charge by the server, either by month or by hour, and the basic system is $5 a month. Need a quick server or command line, within minutes your up and running. My only complaint is sometime "recently" they changed from the hierarchical support forum to the top down style.

Comment Re:TIL the torrent protcocol somehow needs a compa (Score 1) 53

It is 2018. We now have to justify "illegitimate" protocols. "Illegitimate" because they work better, take so much less electricity, and are utterly democratic. Because the tiny book, movie, music, and TV industries didn't like it.
We nuked the protocol because it worked too well and it couldn't be easily surveilled.
We are idiots led by liars.

Comment Re: What good is the paper? (Score 1) 431

Somehow Canada manages a manual pencil-check paper ballot They have counters from opposing sides witness the manual count. Works fine and is done very quickly, and it can be recounted at any time. No way to cheat. No electrons necessary. If you suspect one side has figured a way to infiltrate both witnessses, increase the number of counters. No limit on the number of eagle eyed buggers that can watch.

And addressing the 2000 fiasco, that was one party intentionally sandbagging the audit, dragging it out so that the Supreme Court could find a way to kill the recount. Hanging chads weren't the problem. It was hanging Republicans challenging everything and anything - there was no penalty for false challenges.

Comment Re:Free Market (Score 2) 359

It was the free market at work in Adam Smith's time as well, as he observed. A free market always leads to emergent or direct collusion to fix prices as high as they can be. Applecart economics doesn't work at a macro level. The market is a pack of ruthless buggers who will steal your teeth when you're sleeping. This is why we have regulations, or we used to.

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