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Comment There is zero unemployment... (Score 1) 165

...in the Athabasca region where the Canadian oil sands are...literally the only people not employed there are not employable due to disability or other personal issues...indeed many workers live all over Canada and fly in for their shifts and stay in company work camps

Automating these trucks would free up workers for other much needed labour elsewhere plus make operations safer and more efficient.

Comment Europe?! (Score 1) 640

We should do k to EUROPE?

Yeah, those big governments in places like Italy, Greece, Spain and Portugal have been stellar examples of responsible and capable government. Perhaps you should take your own advice about the news.

Big intrusive government that actually works well in Europe has been the exception not the rule.

Comment Re: $5000 gets you... (Score 1) 196

....the hybrid equivalent to the Cadillac Cimmaron for the 21st century.

Looks are a matter of taste. I for one do not care for a half acre if gaudy chrome grille, nor the headlights that appear to have melted and slid up onto the fenders. It makes even the new Cherokee look pretty.

Inside looks nice but 5000 dollar nice? Too many buttons. Just like Tesla and many others I am annoyed by the aversion towards nice big easy to use dials for climate control. Both have gimmicky interiors.

Not sure where the 10 year lifespan comes from...not seen any evidence that the Tesla could not last longer or that replacing batteries would not be cost effective. Concern about charge time is valid...but again that can be addressed in less expensive ways than the hybrid caddy.

Your comments about company longevity are totally baseless as well. GM is technically no older than Tesla...the original GM went bankrupt and folded in the recession. Its viable assets were bought up by a new legal entity back by government billions...they are no better than Tesla in that respect...probably worse for all the billions spent to keep some form of GM in existence. Trsls is established enough already that even if they went under someone would back/support the vehicles.

Comment Archaic solution (Score 1) 93

Why port apps to android that already work in other supported Linux operating systems? Android uses a Linux kernel so why not virtualised instance of android within a full Linux OS instead? Just put a dalvik VM and whatnot in there and run android apps within a window side by side with LibreOffice or other native apps?

Then you don't need to reboot or have dual mode operation.

Comment FBI us closest equivalent (Score 1) 183

...though in France their national police have a wider mandate and are involved in activities similar to state troopers. They are NOT the same as US military police at all.

The RCMP in Canada is a much better comparison to what France has. They are involved in both FBI type activities as well as things like traffic enforcement outside urban centres in provinces that do not have their own police forces.

Comment Just what is so difficult.. (Score 3, Insightful) 1191

...about layout that is fluid/elastic? What makes it on par with aerospace engineering? IT ISN'T THAT HARD! It is not that much to ask for really! Using browser's full width has been done successfully on /. for many years now--what is with this throwback to fixed width that leaves 50% of my maximised browser window blank? I to NOT want to party like it's 1999!

Leave the shiney-chromey left and right columns fixed for all I care, but PLEASE--push them to the EDGES and use the flexible space for the main content.

I do like the updated style/presentation, I am not looking for the site to do ALL the thinking for me--the ONLY thing I am really wanting is a website that uses the width of my browser! The existing/old site does this already so it CANT BE THAT HARD. In my opinion that ONE thing would transform the beta site from one I'd spend minimal time on to one that would be my home page. HONESTLY.

Comment (not all) New Applications (Score 3, Informative) 218

There is some confusion about what is a GNOME-based application and what is part of the GNOME environment itself.

For example Shotwell is a third-party GNOME based application. It has never been part of the GNOME project--not a GNOME component. Rather, it has merely been the most commonly used app for photo management and viewing as packaged by distributions. Shotwell supplanted F-Spot becaus the latter was built with .NET/Mono and many had concerns about potential MSFT-interference.

GNOME did not have final say on either F-Spot OR Shotwell given they weren't GNOME desktop components--just apps designed to work on GNOME. Until now there WAS no official default app. Now there is:: GNOME Photos.

As such, I expect that GNOME Photos, Music, Notes, Maps, etc. will continue for the long term as the "defaults" as they are new official GNOME components. Furthermore I suspect Shotwell, Rythmbox, etc will continue on as alternatives, likely with some enhanced capabilites, different feature sets, etc. just as WEB (aka epiphany) is the "official" GNOME browser client it is still commonly (or even normally) supplanted by a 3rd party browser.

Comment You're doing something wrong I think (Score 1) 218

On my PC running GNOME 3.8 resuming from lock screen is instantaneous. You have something wrong with your system.

I suspend by closing my laptop lid--not tried any other way but that works.

I have a sandy-bridge qaud core i7 with 16 gigs ram...pretty good spec but not what as good as you have and I can tell you there is no lag to speak of. Boots fast, everything responds instantly. And that is running my Radeon card on LOW POWER (slow) profile mode. Are you sure you have it installed right? Video driver issues maybe? Something hoging CPU?

How much crap do you have in you top bar if your clock is cut off. Your calendar takes 2-5 seconds to come up? WTF? Mine comes up in MILLIseconds.

Either you are BSing us all or you have wider system issues. This is NOT what I've seen with GNOME3. Even a several-years-old single Core 2 desktop with Intel 4500 integrated graphics and far less RAM I have can do better at it!

Comment Sorry I agree with parent (Score 3, Insightful) 218

But I *DO* repect your opinion. You don't like GNOME, that is fine. You've stated reasons why you don't like GNOME. That is great. That is on topic, even if I don't entirely agree (though GNOME 3 *does* have room for improvement).

That said, "GNOME 3 sucks I use MATE" and then going on to expound about how wonderfully traditional MATE is is OFF TOPIC. The article is about the release of GNOME 3. Unless you are going to make some observation about GNOME 3 beyond a one line "sucks" comment then said comment is very deservedly modded into oblivion.

We've heard it all before. It is a broken record, it is a dead horse that people just can't stop beating. If you must be critical be constructive and be a bit specific about what needs improvement. We do NOT need to hear "GNOME 3 sucks". That is less than useless. Go away and let *intelligent* critics have some input (I would even put up with Torvalds or DeRaadt style profanity laden rants so long as they have meaningful point to them).

Comment You can never make anyone happy. (Score 4, Informative) 218

You know, I remember, many years ago now, an article that got posted on /. about usability of the Linux desktop for casual/beginner/"regualr people" users. GNOME and KDE were examined. At the time Gnome 2.x was fairly new.

One of the prominent complaints (one that got MSFT and AAPL fanbois gloating) was how people struggled with the exotic names for everyday applications.

So...you have to click this GIMP thingy to edit pictures? To go ont he web you need to clock "Konqueror" or "Galeon" (the latter of which morphed into "Epiphany"--so much more clear what it does eh?). To burn a CD I need "Brasero", etc.

The user had to rely on icons--sometimes they were not so useful either.

So the GNOME people have finally done something about it and name the app that helps you install software "Software", and call the web browser "web" instead of "Epihpany"...makes sense considering the feedback right? Well, now they are being mocked by experienced users for the unimaginative names. It's not like a computer literate person can't figure out what "WEB" does (oh gee, that must be the GNOME web browser...well isn't that more boring than Epiphany, but I guess now Aunt Martha will know how to get on the web).

By the way--"WEB" is just Epiphany renamed--the GNOM browser. Firefox/Iceweasel or Chromium still appear with their respective names/icons, so you can relax unlessyou are among the 1% of GNOME users who just use the GNOME Web browser and nothing else.

(As I type this I use GNOME 3.8 from Debian unstable and experimental packages--'tis a great improvement over 3.4 and earlier that so many still use or base their first impressions on--hopefully 3.10 will be packaged for Debian in due time--pwehaps a couple weeks before 3.12 comes out ;-)

Comment Since when is ERP out of box? (Score 2) 163

ERP software is not an out of box application. It is a development platform for creating line of business apps. It should be treated like a web app framework. It provides a user interface and workflow engine along with a set of modules that you can implement on top to provide accounting, inventory control, and other business functions. But it has to be programmed, and you also may have to modify your business procedures to better work within the confines of the framework as well.

Perhaps that is why do many implementations fail. ERP is sold as off the shelf or ready made. It is not. You must go through a proper software dev lifecycle and PROGRAM an ERP as if it was a fancy visual studio for business. ERP merely saves time by providing the framework...the boilerplate code...vs. from scratch. So it should be devoted the appropriate time and resources regardless of how you have to feed the data in from a legacy system etc.

Comment Tryton is a better choice (Score 3, Informative) 163

OpenERP has issues that you might not want to deal with. Some technical like using floats where decimals should be for example, and some political, similar to what SQL Ledger went through (OpenERP is commercially backed and some fundamental needs as well as developer/integrator participation requires $$$). The real pain point is that it has no supported upgrade path between major releases, and the people who run the project actively interfere with community efforts to provide upgrade tools that are open. Upgrading seems to be seen as a primary part of their business model.

Tryton is a fork of OpenERP community edition managed by a nonprofit group of developer-users. It's code base has diverged a fair bit by now and is much more solid, and I've been able to upgrade between releases without the hassle as testing and migration abilities are considered important core priorities.

Might be worth considering...

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