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Comment Re:Just me? (Score 1) 102

No, it's not just you. I don't know anyone who has ever made a video call from a mobile phone. It's impractical and a load of hassle. If you want a video link, sit down in front of a web cam or something. Holding a mobile device up in front of you for the duration of the conversation is just lame.

Comment Not so much laptops as smartphones (Score 1) 804

If students are using laptops in my classes then it's easy to see if they are creating notes or recording data in some way. What's more of a problem is the use of smartphones for social netshirking and SMS communication. Phones are small and the students usually hold them under their desks so that it looks like they are fiddling with themselves. Also, it's easy to check that a laptop has been turned off but with a phone this is much more difficult. If it was up to me then I'd just jam the GSM spectrum when class is in session, but I suspect that this would be illegal.

Comment Not so much laptops as smartphones (Score 1) 804

I don't have a problem with students using laptops in my classes, as a laptop is obvious and I can easily check that it is being used for legitimate purposes (creating notes, logging data from experiments) and not social netshirking. What causes more problems is students surreptitiously using smart phones to SMS each other or browse facebook. This usually goes on with them holding the phone below a desk out of sight so that it looks like they are fiddling with themselves when they should be working on Physics problems. Also, getting people to shut down a laptop is easy while ensuring that a phone is actually switched off is difficult. If it was up to me I'd deploy some technique to block the GSM frequencies while teaching, but that's probably against the law.

Comment Seems like Asia is forward looking... (Score 1) 168

A friend of mine just sold a load of electric motor bikes to the Hong Kong police force for use in patroling the city. I wonder if it's the difference in geography and demographics between the Far East and where I live (the UK) that drives this move towards electric vehicles, or if it is something to do with having more of a willingness to change the way that essesntial things like mass transportation are done.

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