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Comment Re:Cool, (Score 1) 150

The package comes with an interactive tutorial on how to embed Gate One into other applications. It's in the tests directory, "hello_embedded".

Also, to answer your question directly, there's an argument you can pass to GateOne.init(), autoConnectURL that does exactly what you want (specify a complete ssh:// url). There's lots of info on it in the developer docs in the JavaScript section (hint: there's a search function :).

Comment Re:very cool (Score 2) 150

That's because the demo is inside of a chroot jail and the user it runs as only has read-only access to its home directory. Also, the version of vim running is actually rvim which doesn't let you execute shell commands (for good reason).

If you figure out a way to break out of the jail let me know so I can close that hole! ;)

Comment Re:putty replacement? (Score 1) 150

Just an FYI: You can't inspect SSL packets without a MitM attack. Some proxies support this (Blue Coat) but none of them work with WebSockets. So as it stands right now it is impossible to sniff your Gate One session unless you're using a very weak SSL certificate.

Whoever is looking at your Gate One traffic in a sniffer will only see a destination and a source IP. They won't even see the URLs you're hitting.

Comment Re:putty replacement? (Score 1) 150

Yes, the terminal emulator in Gate One is server-side (terminal.py). It converts the terminal's screen to HTML before sending it to the client. Actually, it only sends lines to the client that have been updated but that part is handled separate from the terminal emulator.

There's actually a pretty good overview of the differences between server and client-side terminal emulation here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web-based_SSH

Comment Re:putty replacement? (Score 1) 150

Oh the pain of software keyboards! Believe me, it drives me crazy. Gate One will work in Mobile Firefox and Chrome for Android using a software keyboard but not very well. You're much better off using a hardware keyboard.

Having said that, here's how it currently works in Gate One with software keyboards: There's an invisible input element on the page that gets focus when you load the page or tap somewhere. When that happens the software keyboard comes up and you can enter your keystrokes. However, whenever you tap "go" the input element loses focus! This will drive you crazy. I have opened bugs for both Chrome and Firefox to get a workaround of some sort.

I am planning on writing a thin "native" client of sorts to use Gate One on mobile devices (probably using PhoneGap) just for the sole purpose of getting control over the software keyboard (make it stay open!).

Comment Re:putty replacement? (Score 2) 150

Why would Gate One be Windows-only? It runs in a browser.

Don't think, "PuTTY replacement" or, "terminal replacement." Think, "I can use this from anywhere without having to install anything" or, "this could be embedded into an administration interface to provide a command line where previously there was none."

Though to be honest my end-goal with Gate One is to make it the best terminal emulator (and SSH client) ever. We've only begun to explore what's possible when you combine a terminal with capabilities of the browser (HTML5, specifically).

Comment Re:Not even /.ed yet! ;-) (Score 2) 150

Well, I'm monitoring it in real-time. If the demo servers start getting overloaded I'll add more.

In fact, I just added two extra servers: http://gateone3.rs.liftoffsoftware.com/ and http://gateone4.rs.liftoffsoftware.com/ just to be safe.

The two, 1GB Rackspace instances that were up when this news hit the front page are still running fine at this moment.


Submission + - Gate One 1.1 Released: Run vim In Your Browser (liftoffsoftware.com)

Riskable writes: "Version 1.1 of Gate One (HTML5 terminal emulator/SSH client) was just released (download). New features include security enhancements, major performance improvements, mobile browser support, improved terminal emulation, automatic syntax highlighting of syslog messages, PDFs can now be captured/displayed just like images, Python 3 support, Internet Explorer (10) support, and quite a lot more (full release notes). There's also a new demo where you can try out vim in your browser, play terminal games (nethack, vitetris, adventure, zangband, battlestar, greed, robotfindskitten, and hangman), surf the web in lynx, and a use full suite of IPv6-enabled network tools (ping, traceroute, nmap, dig, and a domain name checker)."

Submission + - Nanowires Improve Graphene Conductance (acs.org)

MTorrice writes: "Researchers may have found a way to turn one-atom-thick sheets of graphene into a promising material for making transparent electrodes needed in solar cells and displays. Transparent electrodes in today’s devices are made of indium tin oxide films. These films are typically 90% transparent and have a resistance of less than 100 ohms. But they are expensive and brittle. Graphene could be a stronger, lower-cost, and more bendable alternative. However, the resistance of a typical graphene sheet is usually more than 500 ohms. By integrating metal nanowires into conventionally grown graphene films, researchers lowered the films’ resistance. The resulting material is 94% transparent and has a resistance of 64 ohms."

Submission + - Nvidia Doubles Linux Driver Performance, Slips Steam Release date (theregister.co.uk)

leppi writes: Nvidia has announced the steam beta for linux should be out today. They also annouced an increase in performance thanks to Valve and other partner contributions to the driver.

Nvidia said “Steam gaming platform that officially opened to gamers today” while announcing new Linux-optimised version of the R310 drivers for its GeForce graphics chips, including the new GTX 600 series. According to the chip maker, the drivers “double the performance and dramatically reduce game loading times” of Linux games — at least if a test comparing the new code with version 304.51 while running Valve’s Left 4 Dead 2 beta is anything to go by.

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