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Comment Re:I stopped reading at "Wikileaks" (Score 0) 1002

Citing Wikileaks as free speech is clouding the issue. A lot of people don't consider what they're doing to be "Freedom of Speech". I'm just saying, the article poster should have put away his agenda long enough to cite an example that everybody could identify with.

If that's the best example, then maybe these new laws aren't that bad after all.

Comment Re:Both (Score 1) 503

A new car will depreciate every couple of months more than the entire purchase price of my 100k mile used car. Nothing can possibly go wrong that will make it worth buying a new car instead. And it still looks and drives like new.

Also, sales tax, property tax, registration, and insurance are all a fraction of what it would cost for a new car.

I do know people who take their car to the dealer for routine repairs and maintenance. That does cost a fortune, but it's all part of the scam. When they come out and tell you that the leaky power steering pump is going to cost $3500 to fix, they want you to trade it in instead.

Comment Re:Both (Score 1) 503

You could afford that much, just finance it for 5+ years. That's $921/month for 5 years. Stop saving for retirement. Put home repairs on the credit card. Give up health insurance. Etc.

People do this.

I just bought a $45,000 Hybrid SUV for $7,500 cash. All I had to do was let someone else drive it for five years. I hope the new car scent was worth the $37,500.

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