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Comment Re:So by your logic (Score 1) 416

No, by his logic, any library can refuse to stock Mein Kampf and they are perfectly within their rights to do so. Any library can stock only Mein Kampf and they are also perfectly within their rights to do so. The problem comes when some other entity says "You may not stock this book" or, as you are implying, "You must stock this book."

Comment Re:C had no real successor (Score 1) 641

There is very little possible to do in an OOM situation using language exceptions. Let the program segfault. If you need more, handle the OOM signal using SEH or the SIGTERM handler, or whatever other mechanism is provided by your memory handling library. If you absolutely need OOM recovery, use malloc instead of higher-level language constructs and keep your fingers crossed.

Comment Re:Whoa whoa whoa (Score 1) 642

There already exists a significantly loud contingent of folks already planting a "Man hating content" flag on all manner of media, in case you haven't noticed yet.

There are plenty of people out there who care a lot about the labels other people apply. I try not to let it bother me. Some people think that being called sexist is some kind of attack on their personal identity. Some people might take umbrage at being called a "man hater". I ignore shrill harpies of either gender. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. I spend my time with people I like. I urge strangers to calm down, to try to imagine another perspective.

"Genuine tragedies in the world are not conflicts between right and wrong; they are conflicts between two rights" - Hegel

Spend less time building walls against your enemies and more time building bridges for your friends; you'll find the world a more pleasant and safer place.

Comment Re:Whoa whoa whoa (Score 1) 642

Yes, you are sexist. So am I. The point is not to level accusations at you and me and other gamers. The point is not to stop us from buying things we like. The point is not to end sexism; that is impossible. The point is for all of us to wake up and realize what sexist messages do to our brains, to think about it, to talk about it.

Comment Re:On Abstaining (Score 1) 468

Register absentee and mail in your ballot. I did this when I moved from Oregon (which has had mail-in ballots since I came of age) to Washington (which finally switched to mail-in ballots a few years ago).

Write your secretary of state and encourage your backwards-ass state to enfranchise their voters (and save money!) by switching to a mail-in system.

Comment On Abstaining (Score 1) 468

If there are no candidates you wish to vote for, then why should you vote for someone you don't want?

Well don't vote for someone you don't want.

But don't just stay at home. If you don't vote at all, you will be interpreted as lazy or disinterested or failing to uphold your civic duty. If you drop a blank ballot, and sign it, that sends a message.

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